ups and downs

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My parents were getting a divorce, out of every other time they could have chosen to do this now was the worst. without my family sticking together i have no one, who will live where? will i stay with my dad or my mom? what about my baby brother what will happen to him? my whole world is falling apart....
this is just too much to handle, i cant breath everything around me is crumbling everything i have worked for everyone i love. I need air, i run out and just run. Everything around me is peaceful and happy, everything seems perfect compared to my home life. I find myself running to sam's house. As soon as i get there it took me a few seconds but i finally knock the door


* Sam's point of view*

my day started off peacefully, i know i had school but it wasn't that bad. Since it was a tuesday i got to see georgie! i really liked her! she was sweet and funny but shy. i remember the first time i ever saw her, she was wearing a white top with black jeans and a grey hoodie, her hair was down she'd done nothing to it just brushed it. She was getting out her moms car, she pulled off the tired look quite well to be honest. From then on all ive wanted to do was spend time with her, i started to invite her to have a cigarette with me ( i know she smokes because she had a smoke when she got out her moms car) i also introduced her to the group i hang with ( i wonder if she realises the all of us are either lesbian or gay) anyway like usually i went to school, history first for two hours, break then media for a further two hours then lunch then pe for and hour.
most nights after school my best friend carly would come round for food before her dad took her home.
today was one of those days and since i lived only five minutes away from school it didn't take us long to get home and eat. we go upstairs and i go to my window to find georgie practically running, she got to my front door and paused...i stand and watch her for a second.

knock knock knock

carly raced downstairs to answer the door and i joined, georgie looked horrific. She had tears running down her face and she couldn't catch her breath, she had a sudden look of shock on her face when she saw carly
"i,im sorry i,i didn't mean to d,disturb you"
carly just stood there and giggled which pissed me off a little, georgie just ran off again. I tried to chase her but i couldn't keep up. what ever had happened to her must have been the worst because I've never seen her so upset, actually I've never seen her upset at all this is a first, usually she's so bubbly and giggly. I furiously tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up and i left numerous amounts of text to show her that i am there for her, but no reply.

* Georgie's point of view*  

knocking on the door i realised was a bad idea! Sam's friend came and opened the door and sam followed
"i,im sorry i,i didn't meant to d,disturb you" i stutter. I've just embarrassed myself in front of my crush. Did i just say my crush?! my phones going off furiously in my pocket as i run away.

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