Chapter 13 - staying on track

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Up to this point, I hope I've made the case for an intelligent power that emerged from the energy of a timeless universe. Energy, as I've stated, is the one thing that ties all life and all matter together. The one constant. We know from thermodynamics that energy cannot be destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. So, if it cannot be destroyed, we can assume that it has always existed. Stars, planets, life, everything that we know and see will end one day. Everything else can be destroyed. But not energy.

Got it? Whenever you get hung up in one of my chapters here, just go back to the "beginning." Nothing but energy and empty space. I cannot possibly hope to explain how that energy organized into an intelligent being. Nor can any scientist explain how it formed into stars, planets, and life without the assistance of an intelligent being. But I'll say it again: whichever path you choose to defend, if you could see how it all came about, either would be as impossible to believe as the other. But you know that everything came into existence with or without intelligent design. There is no third option.

I, of course, am here to stir your mind a bit. I cannot convince everyone of the existence of God, but I do hope that those who continue in disbelief can see the validity of my argument. I'm not here to convert as much as I'm here to declutter minds. We've been fed so much information that it has become difficult to see past it all and ask very basic questions such as: why is there anything at all?

I know; mind blowing. But basic.

So the point of this chapter is to bring you back to that first point. Re-ground you, so to speak. Clear your head of all the questions about fossils, the Big Bang, evolution, Heaven and hell, and anything else that draws you from the initial premise of our discussion.

Go back to the beginning. What was there before there was anything at all? Before there were stars and planets. Before life. Before any bang, big or little. Before the existence of time.

Just energy.

Are you there? Close your eyes and meditate on that a bit. Clear out the clutter. Shut out the world for a few moments. Maybe a few hours. This is your journey. Or maybe ours. A traveling companion is nice when venturing into eternity.

Now shut me out, too.

See you next time, my friends.

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