Chapter 6

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During break time,my clique and I were in the cafeteria.I was eating my favourite,pasta of course.

Eun Mi was eating salad since she was on diet while the others were eating sandwiches.

As usual,Eun Mi,Ji Eun and I would talk a little about boys,since we were girls..while Chanyeol and Baekhyun talk about their boy stuff, whatever that would be..

Suddenly,Eun Mi pointed someone out.He was sitting two tables from us.

"He's our new classmate and he's cute isnt he?",she said as I sipped my drink and looked up to search for the guy she was referring to.

"Yeah,he is,but not cuter than my Xiumin",Ji Eun said with a cheeky smile on her face.

Xiumin was my tablemate in class and also Ji Eun's crush.He was a very nice guy and quite handsome too,so I could understand why she liked him, even though he wasn't my type.

"He's my neighbour,actually..",I sipped my drink again.

"Of course he's your neighbour,he sits next to you,lucky you",Ji Eun pouted.

"No no not Xiumin,i meant the new kid,Oh Sehun,he lives next to me."

"Really??Wow,tell me what he's like!"Eun Mi asked while raising her eyebrow.

"I dont really know him...I mean we havent really talked.Well,except for that one night-",I continued and told them about what happened that night.


Our next lesson was art,so we rushed back to class before we were late.Our art teacher,Mr Kim walked into class empty handed.

We knew that today's class was going to be special since he would always bring in a sculpture or special item for us to sketch.

"Class,today,we will be having a free drawing session,in groups of four,you will be going around school to find something you want to sketch,but all four of you have to sketch the same object and hand it up to me by the end of the lesson,which is in 2 hours but if you finish early,you are dismissed. As for your groupings you will go according to your seating arrangements,your pair and the one either infront or behind you,if there are no questions,you may proceed.",Mr Kim said as he did a hand gesture for us to begin.

I knew that I was in the same group as the new kid since he sat behind me so I prepared myself to speak to him.

I took a deep breath before I turned around ,"Hi,new kid,Im Hye Rin and I guess we'll be in the same group,nice to meet you" I smiled awkwardly.

"Hey,I have a name and its Oh Sehun..oh and you finally noticed me,Hye Rin",he smirked.I felt a little tingle when he said my name for some reason.

",I did..?",I said while looking confused.

'Wait,did he already notice me from before?Does he recognise me?',I thought while starting to get a little anxious.

What does he mean?o.O
Why does my story have so little views :'(

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