Daddy Issues.

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Okay so this story has gone anywhere yet I'm jsut trying to introduce a few things but I promise it'll get better maybe?


So yeah do what you do readers!!!!!!!

---> Picture is again Demitri


I paced in my room over and over again feeling irritated.


I pushed her out my head and went outside for a run looking back at the pack house. I ran untill my ears heard a whimper. I ran towards the cliffs feeling anxious and protective from whoever the whimper came from. It was a wolfish whimper but human.

I finally ran and ducked into the underbrush hoping my sent wasn't caught yet.

"You useless ass, stupid, piece of shit daughter!!" It was her...she was being held over the cliffs.

"I'm so...-sorr-"

"Don''t apologize!!!" He smacked her and my wolf fought me the whole time. I caught a whiff of air, that was ... alcohol?

"People like us must remain hard...we can't ever become soft, or trust, or even give people chances. Understand that!!!"

"I underst...sta....stand" She stuttered looking scared after how much strength she has I was shocked

"Good" The man smirked then dropped her and before I could stop myself I ran out and jumped too.

I caught onto her and the weirdest part was she wasn't screaming. She just had her eyes closed and straightened herself out for head impact. We might land in water but we are thousands of feet up.

"Hey!" I yelled right after I shifted to human and she peaked and eye open at me the rolled her eyes.

"Leave me alone!"

"No, come here I can save you"

She rolled her eyes again and closed them as I air swam towards her. I grabbed around her planning to take impact for her when she kneed my stomach forcing me off.

"I'm trying to save yo-" Before I could get the last word out I was engulfed in water and everything went dark.

 * * * * * *

I woke up with a girl's hair around my face and me coughing as she kissed my forehead. I tried to sit up but my wet closes clung to me and made me think otherwise. My shirt was off though.

Finally I noticed the girl sitting there and again it was her. I still haven't caught her name.

I looked her over and she was completly dry.

I took time to the look at every detail.

Her skin was tanned like mine and she had jet black hair that waved and twisted down her back. She had oddly bright grey eyes which looked insanly light on her skin and comparing to my black eyes. She had a small heart-shape face and a fairytale look to her. She looked maybe 15 but I knew she was at least 17. She was a senior.

I grinned at her and reached for her face but when I almost came in contact she stood up. This startled me out of my transe and I stood as well taking off my pants knowing I had basketball shorts under.

"How are you dry"


"More like liar" I said staring her down waiting for an answer

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