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When Edward came into her room that night, Alyssa was leaning against the wall by the window drawing in the sketchbook he had gotten her.

"Hey." he sat next to her.

"Hi." she didn't look up from her drawing.

"I-I just wanted to make sure we were okay. That we're still friends."

"Yeah, best friends for life, you know that."

"Good. Because although Mary-Alice is beautiful, she is by no means worth loosing you. You're the only person who's ever been there for me, and I hope you know that I trust you with my life, and I'd never want you upset with me –"




"Right. Sorry."

"Its okay." Alyssa set her sketchbook aside and took his hand. "It was your first crush, that's a big deal, and I love that I was the first person you told. Whatever happens to you, I always wanna be part of what happens to you."

"You always will be." Edward said instantly.

"Good." she smiled at him. "Just don't go too crazy over a girl alright? It interferes with my plans for you."

"Plans?" Edward raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly.

"Yeah, you're gonna do something impressive that makes you rich, and I'm gonna live in your mansion until you get sick of me."

"I will never get sick of you." he chuckled.

"Then I am set for life."

Edward shook his head. "Don't sell yourself short Alyssa. I've yet to see you fail at anything you've set your mind to. Perhaps it'll be me living in your mansion."

"Nah, I don't see myself in a mansion." she closed her eyes. "I always pictured an old brick house with ivy growing up the walls. There'd be a porch swing and one of those obnoxiously long driveways that takes you through the woods..."

"Doesn't sound like Gotham at all."

"No..." soft brown eyes opened. "I suppose not. I've never really liked Gotham anyway."


"Well other than you and Ozzy, its kinda lacking in good people. I always wanted to find some small town where you could trust the people you met on the streets. Where they run and catch fireflies at night instead of staying inside to hide from muggers. More...peaceful."

"....Sounds rather nice."

"Doesn't it?" Alyssa smiled. "I used to think that, first chance I got I was getting out of this city. 'Course that was before I met you, came to live here....But I do still think about it from time to time."


(3 months later)

"Alyssa darling!"

Alyssa fought the urge to cringe. "Hello Ms. Mooney."

"Now girl, I've told you before, call me Fish."

"I think I'd like to stick with Ms. Mooney, if that's alright."

She laughed. "You always were an odd one."

Giving the woman a tight smile, Alyssa headed towards where the bottles were waiting for her.

"Now hold on just a minute." Fish stopped her. "I want to talk with you darling."

"....About what?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to move up from collecting bottles. A position here at the bar has recently opened."

"I-I'm too young to be working in a bar, Ms. Mooney."

She smirked. "That's not quite what I had in mind."

A gun clicked behind her, and Alyssa froze, not daring to turn around.

"Now darling, I'm going to give you a choice. Either Fredrick here shoots you, or you come to work for me."

"...What kind of work?" Alyssa said softly.

"Oh, you're a clever girl. I think you've got that figured out by now." Fish chuckled. "No one ever suspects a sweet little girl. I could use someone like that."

"And if I just run?"

"Now darling, we both know you're not stupid enough to try that. So what's it going to be?"

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