A game of chess

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As we sat down in these two chairs. I noticed that There was a square table.I was taking in the decor of the room when I hear a door open. Incoming was Sebastian with a chess board. Ceil gave me a smile warm smile. I smile back and my eyes wander to his eyepatch. I was about to ask what happened to his eye I just shut my mouth and closed down that is idea. "Thank you Sebastian..." Ceil had a straight face with no emotion on his face. I simply smiled gently at him. " thank you Sebastian I am very grateful for all your service" "no problem my lady it's a pleasure" he smiled big and bowed at me. " please call me (Y/N)" I smiled warmly as Ceil say bored of the situation. "Of course (Y/N). I'll let you and My Lord play your game and I'll be back in later.." He said as he glanced towards Ceil. I smiled and nodded as he walked out the door and closed it gently.
*•*•*•*•*•Time Skip•*•*•*•*•*•*
Ceil was about to win the game. I bit my nails as I looked around the board for any way to beat him but there was no use. "Agh I can't win either way!!" I said as he laughed. "CCCCEEEEEIIIILLLLL!!!" I jumped up out of my seat as my eyes grew wide. I looked to the door as it bursts open I see a girl with big green eyes , big blonde pigtails, earrings , and I big poofy pink dress. Ceil sighed and stood up looking at the girl with an annoyed look. She ran to him and hugged him tight. He tried pushing her away with no avail . "Elizabeth get off of me !!" He stated struggling in her grasp. I sat there looking down depressed as usual. " for the last time call me Lizzy!!" I guess her name is Elizabeth. She looked to me as I gently sighed. She came over to me and held her hand out " hello I'm Lizzy!!"She smiled at me. I sighed and shook her hand. " I'm (Y/N)..." I eternally sighed and became more depressed than I already was. I won't like her and she won't me m... But I'll try my best to get along with her..... Again I'll try my best there is no promises on that one... I think Ceil could tell that I didn't like her he gave me an apologizing look I just fake smiles and nodded as if saying that I was alright with it... I really wasn't...

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