Part Three

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It was only the end of October and yet it felt like my entire world was different--with the whole reason being Will. The biggest change was going from only being able to think about him every day to getting to see him every day. It wasn’t even as if we spoke to each other all the time, but just knowing that we had a class together and lived in the same town now made my life that much better.

Will had weaseled his way into my group of friends. It wasn’t very difficult for him to do since he was extremely outgoing and funny. Being Micah’s cousin didn’t hurt either; it was like an automatic in to being friends with the guys on the swim team.

Because of his newfound popularity at my school, he sat with us at lunch sometimes unless he was with Micah’s non-swimmer friends. I think out of a month of being here, he’d only sat next to me about a handful of times. Either way I tried not to think too much about how disappointing it was that he didn’t want to spend all of his time with just me. After all, that was what I wanted to do with him.

At least we still sat next to each other in Economics. Sometimes we would both be there a little early and we would just sit and talk. He was very chill and laid back, much like I usually was. So talking to him was easy for the most part and always enjoyable.

I think my biggest fear before actually meeting him was that he wouldn’t turn out to be who I’d built him up to be in my head. Of course, he wasn’t exactly like I’d imagined, because I hadn’t known him at all. I was just grateful that he didn’t seem to be an awful person, or worse, end up hating me.

While the lunchroom was filled with the chatter of almost a thousand students, I finished my food. I carefully glanced passed Trace, pretended to listen to what he was saying, and watched Will. Anderson, a senior and the second best swimmer--me being the first--said something I couldn’t hear. Will’s entire face lit up with a goofy grin and my chest ached at the sight. A few other guys sitting by his side started to laugh.

“Yo,” Trace said snappily. I quickly looked back at him to be fixed with narrowed eyes. “Dude, do you even listen to me these days?”

I shook my head. “Sorry. I just zoned.”

“For like the fifteenth time today,” he grumbled. “I was trying to tell you about Lauren from homeroom.”

I pushed the last bite of my food passed my lips and chewed it. “The blonde?”

“No, the one with brown hair. Anyway, I asked her out this morning.”

I choked and looked up at him. “What did she say?”

Trace grinned. “Yes, obviously. Like she’d pass me up. I’m in the top five of our team.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Since when are you so cocky?”

“Since I’ve got a date with Lauren this weekend.”

I sat back, ready to go dump my lunch tray. As soon as I was done talking to Trace, I was going to do that and then go to the bathroom before Econ. Trace looked away from my face and I took the opportunity to briefly flick my eyes over Will again. He was wearing black jeans and a stripey shirt today. I particularly liked the way the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders when he leaned forward or twisted his torso.

I looked away again, afraid somebody might take notice in the way I stared just a bit too long at the other teenager.

“So what are you doing with her?” I asked my best friend.

Trace shrugged and looked at me. He held his milk carton to his lips as he spoke. “Probably take her to Anderson’s Halloween party on Friday since we can’t really do anything on a school night.”

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