Almost Spooning

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written pre-season three


Skinny Love

Almost Spooning

"Bored, John." Sherlock sat (if you could call it that) in his armchair with his legs draped over the backrest, his head hanging upside-down, and his long dark curls almost touching the floor.

"Working, Sherlock," was John's reply without looking up from his keyboard and typing furiously.

"Uuugggrrgg," Sherlock growled as he got up, put on his coat and scarf and swept out of the apartment. John kept typing.


The next day when John got back from work, he was startled when he saw Sherlock playing a different instrument from his violin. John had always thought the violin was an elegant, posh, proper, and finesse-y instrument. But the guitar was just plain sexy. The way Sherlock's body curved around it, and the way his hair hung in his face while he looked at his fingers. Granted, he was bloody awful and each chord was spaced with a pause while Sherlock repositioned his hand.

"New hobby?" John asked casually while shaking the inappropriate thoughts from his head. Sherlock looked up and smiled at his flatmate.

"I thought, 'Why not?' since I already have the callouses for it from violin. I've gotten a lot better since this morning." Sherlock replied and continued practicing.

"I'll cross my heart and hope to die

Before I have the chance to lie

To you, my dear, who I wish no harm

But I know in the end this will turn out wrong

See I've been known to fall in love

But sometimes love just is not enough

And my heart will stray before too long

So please forgive me for when I sing this song




Oooh oooh"

Sherlock's deep, masculine voice filled the flat and when he got to the chorus of throaty ooohs at the end, Johns eyes closed as he sunk it in. "Holy shit" he thought to himself.


John sat on his bed and put his head in his hands. What had that man done to him? "I'm not gay" "Am I?" "What would he say?" "He would just scoff at me" "But what if he feels the same?" "He's a sociopath, he doesn't feel anything" John couldn't sleep that night.


John woke up the next morning feeling awful. Instead of his usual cup of tea in the morning he had coffee to jolt him awake. Sherlock had left him a note on the countertop with one simple sentence and an address;

We have a case John, murder! In the alley behind 628 Rhodes St.


John got dressed quickly and hailed a cab. When he got to the crime scene, Sherlock stood up from the body and declared, "John, finally, you know I'm lost without my blogger!"

John could see Anderson roll his eyes as he walked under the yellow caution tape to the victim. At first glance, John could see that she was an athlete judging from her attire and that she died from her skull being smashed in. Sherlock cleared his throat. "Now that everyone's here, I will begin. She roller skates on the weekends because she recently had a divorce, probably because she was sleeping with other men, and has joint custody over the children. She does several types of drugs and drinks profusely, probably the partier type. Judging by the blow to the head, attacker was taller than she and attacked from behind." He paused to catch his breath before adding, "She was on some type of skating team, roller derby, maybe?"

"Brilliant," John said under his breath, but Sherlock heard him and turned around to give him a sly smile. Sherlock loved how even on the simplest of deduces, John still thought he was amazing.


Back at the flat, Sherlock fidgeted waiting for Lestrade to text him about the roller derby lead.

"THERE CAN'T BE THAT MANY ROLLER DERBY TEAMS IN LONDON!" Sherlock suddenly shouted, causing John to spill his tea into his lap.

"Shit, Sherlock, calm down," he said as he got up to put on some new pants. Sherlock's phone buzzed, and he grabbed it quickly.

Found the rink were she practices, but no one knows about her team.


"That's the thing with the police, they're always questioning people and never bother to use their eyes." Sherlock was ranting.

"Are we going, then?" John asked as he walked down the stairs in a pair of new trousers.

"Waste of my time," Sherlock flopped onto the couch


Sherlock was disappointed, so he decided to yell at the telly. John joined him. They both got pretty into it, both gasping when they revealed that Cassandra wasn't sleeping with Hector, but his wife, Josephine! The next morning, Sherlock awoke to find that he had slept on the couch. And that John had snuggled under his arm and was cuddling his side. Sherlock's mouth had been inches from his forehead. John's mouth was open, and he could hear every breath, and feel his chest rise against his own. John was radiating heat, and Sherlock was quite comfortable, so he went back to sleep. When John woke up, he leapt off the couch as quickly as possible.

"Do you want to go get some breakfast, and then go check out the rink?" John tried to seem casual. It wasn't like they had just almost spooned or anything.

"Very well then," Sherlock got off the couch and grabbed his coat and scarf with a slight smile on his face.


John was weird all through breakfast. He didn't look into Sherlocks eyes the entire time. John took a bite of a powdered doughnut, and then licked the white dust off his lips.

"Um, hungry Sherlock?" John asked.

"On a case, slows me down," was Sherlocks curt reply. It was only then that he realized that he had been staring at John's mouth for the past three and a quarter minutes.

"Well in that case, I'm ready to go," John got up and grabbed his coat, and Sherlock followed after his blogger.


When the two men got to the skating rink, Sherlock had found the small flyer for the 'Derby Devils' in under ten minutes. It seems like a spot had just opened up.

"Well, while we're here, would you like to skate?" John asked confidently.

"I don't know how." Sherlock said as they walked over to the skate rental booth.

"You're Sherlock Holmes, the man who mastered a whole new instrument in three days. I'm sure you can learn how to skate." John laughed. It was true, Sherlock was now insanely good at the guitar, seeing as he had only started playing earlier that week. They traded in their shoes, and placed their coats in a locker. As they stepped on to the rink, Sherlock held on to the side wall for support. John was out in front I him, and gestured for him to let go. Sherlock trusted his John, and slowly lifted his hand off the wall. He immediately started to wobble, and grabbed on to the nearest thing for support. It just so happened to be John's hand.


The song that Sherlock plays is called Forgive Me by City and Colour.

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