Cover of lies(3)

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Mia's POV

I'm in the bus and its the normal morning. Very quiet in the back of the bus cause everyone is sleeping. Usually my friend Kaitlynn talks to me but she is having a bad morning. So I have to just sit here with nothing to do. I had to do what I did every morning just sit here and think which I hate doing. He keeps popping in my mind. My boyfriend Kevin. He means everything to me. He is a very good guy but he doesn't know the real me. I do whatever he wants I dont give my opionion much. I am scraid that I will push him away I defiantly don't wanna do that. He can read me like an open book though its hard to hide anything from him but I have become very good at hiding my feelings. I don't like doing it but its kinda a habit now.

I hate meeting new people and I hate being put in the spotlight cause I absolutely hate the concept of someone judging me. I'm very self concious cause I'm ugly and under wieght. I have strawberry blonde hair with bangs on one side. My hair goes to middle of my stomach. I have hazel eyes that turn green sometimes and other times match my hair. I have a small structure I weigh 100 pounds am I am 5' 1". I probably don't seem like I should be the way I am but I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as we pulled up at the school finally I thought to myself. I got off the bus and I went to the gym where I meet with my friends every morning and I found but there was a new face in our group. She looked a lot like me. She had the same hair color and same eye color but she was way prettier than me. I walked over to our group and I smiled. "Hey, this is Amry. She just moved here from Alabama", Ali said. I greete her with a smile. Just from the sight of her and her smile it felt like we connected like I could trust her and I have never felt this way with anyone ever it was very wierd for me and this feeling scared me very much cause I didn't know what would if I ever truste someone other than my two best friends and I have known them for my WHOLE lifes. Every since I was in diapers. I was snapped out my though when the bell rung.

-----------authors note------------

I have lots of ideas for this story so sorry if it is boring right now and I'm sorry for all of u on computers that this story doesn't seem very long. I am actually very happy cause all of my stories have reads an that has never happened to me before ever. And if u are reading this can u please follow me I have no followers at all. And please comment with who you think the twin is and the first person to comment can make up a character for this story and can choose what role they play.

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