Cover of lies(4)

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I went to my first class and guess who was there.... Yep you guessed right. It's Amry. There was something about her that seemed to connect us and I'm not sure what that is really. I'm not usually the person to talk to someone I hardly know but I remember how it was when I was the new girl. "Hey", I said. She said "hey" and took a seat beside me.

This class is drama and the day were usually just free days since it has only been a few day since her last play. Our drama teacher was the kinda of teacher who was very creative and like to write their on plays. This usually took our teacher a couple weeks to do this. So I took this opportunity to get to know Amry.

"Do you like this school so far", I asked. "Yea it's actually the first time have been to a public school and actually being around kids my age." "I never thought of home school that way. I bet it's hard to make friends", I said. "Yeah but it's ok once you get used to it. I also loved spending time with my mom." "What is it like to have a mom", I blurted not realizing what I said in till afterwards and that made me embarrassed. I have never been open with someone I just met what's wrong with me?

"What do you mean? Do you not have a mom?" "I have one I just don't know her" I said quietly. "Don't be embarrassed I don't know my father either. My mom and him left each other apparently a year or so after I was born. My mom doesn't speak of him at all even if I try to get her to." "Same with my dad", I said as I signed with relief as I knew she understood what it was like not to know your parent. "Maybe we could hang out sometime" I said. "I really enjoy talking to you. I haven't really opened up to anyone in a long time." "That would be great tell me at lunch when you wanna hang out and I really enjoyed talking to you too." I felt better than I have for a while I feel like someone understood me.

The next period flew by fast and than there was lunch. I was going to ask Amry if she wanted to hang out tomorrow since today was Friday an I had nothing to do tomorrow. I haven't got her number or anything so I can't text her. Than I saw in line with with my friends so up them. "Hey", I said. They all said hi back. Today at lunch we are have chicken tenders my favorite!!! we say our normal table in the corner of the lunch room. "Amry I have nothing to do tomorrow so maybe we can hang out?" " Yea we can hang out at my place. My mom like meeting friend before I go to their house", she said. "Sounds great" I said.

The rest if the lunch consisted of talking about the normal gossip. Which was how everyone thought Mr.walker was so hot and how everyone thought him and a student had a thing which was defiantly a lie cause every girl wishes that he would flirt with them. When lunch was over the rest of the day went by fast it was just math my favorite subject than chemistry which I hate so much but luckily we just watched a movie which made the class go by a whole lot faster when the day was over I called Linda to pick me up cause I didn't feel like riding the bus I was to tired to deal with the perverted boys on there and the guy that had on crush on me. Since we didn't have a football game cause it was a bi week so when I got home I ate and went to sleep. Cause I NEVER I repeat I NEVER get to do that on Fridays.

------------authors note----------

Yes!!! It's a long chapter I find it easier to write the story down on paper than type it. Wierd but it seems to come out longer that way I haven't had time to see who win the Contest but I will check as soon as I can and I will update the next chapter as soon as I type it up.

Cover of LiesWhere stories live. Discover now