PART A; the anchor (Derek; age 13)

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Just because I can.
Another part is here, enjoy and have fun.

It was the night of the full moon. The night Derek regretted for the first time ever agreeing to let Stiles share a room with him.

Stiles was supposed to share a room with Cora, as they were closest of the age. And he did, for the first few years. Once he turned five years old, the boy made his mind and literally demanded on staying with Derek. He could still remember quite vividly as Stiles stood up from eating his birthday cake, with his mouth covered with chocolate chips and cream, as he put his tiny hands on his hips, and with all seriousness pronounced: "I'm a big boy now, I'm living with Der!"

Their older sisters, Laura and Fraya, laughed their hearts out over the cuteness of their youngest brother as their parents tried quite awkwardly to explain why it won't work. Derek had to leave it to them that they tried hard to explain why he should stay with Cora, as it was the safest place in the house for him, but without mentioning their wolf secret there was nothing they could say to stop Stiles from getting what he wanted. Stiles' mind was set and there was no going around it. And Derek didn't mind sharing his room. He loved Stiles to death; he'd do anything for him.

But that night of the full moon, Derek regretted ever saying yes to the idea.

For such a young age, Derek was handling the turning quite alright, but it was the first night of the full moon with Stiles in his room as well. While living with Cora, Stiles was save as she won't start turning for next couple of years. With Derek, it was different. Once he turned twelve, the full on transformation hit him and ever since he was forced to train his will and strength of mind to not to harm anyone. His dad was preparing Derek for that moment since he was a kid and maybe that's why with each passing moon he got better at it. After a while, Samuel decided it's save for Derek to stay on his own during the full moons. He trusted his son with no doubt, and Sam was sure he will come to him if Derek ever needed his help again.

Of course Samuel and Talia both were always ready if something happened with any of their children, but it was up to Derek now to keep control while Stiles was peacefully sleeping in the bed close to his.

And it proved to be much harder than Derek imagined it to be.

He was hiding in the dark corner of their room, where the baby night light that Stiles still used every night, couldn't reach him. He was sweating with beads of sweat running down his spine as he clenched his fists so hard droplets of blood started to drop on the carpeted floor. In that moment, Derek hated himself. He hated what he was and what he was forced to fight against. Being a wolf had its perks, of course, but Derek hated being so different, not being a human. A human like Stiles.

Stiles squirmed in his bed, turning onto his back, and Derek's eyes shot open, his golden orbsess shone through the dark room, and the young wolf could feel his canines protruding. It hurt him; it always did and Derek whimpered with pain and fear for his brother's life. Stiles was peacefully sleeping, lost in his baby's dreams and all Derek could do was to focus on his rhythmically beating heart.

It drove him crazy, and slowly Derek started to stand up. It felt as if he was trapped inside of his body, watching it move on its own. It freaked him out, but he couldn't stop his steps. Each second he was getting closer to the sleeping form in front of him. Werewolves aren't killers, usually, but sometimes when there's a full moon and they catch as sweet scent just like Stiles' they can't help their mouth watering. Werewolves are actually quite peaceful creatures, or at least the Hale family is, but right at that moment, Derek could tell that there was no such power in the world to stop him from biting Stiles right there and then.

He was wrong.

Just as he was about to lean down and ready to bite, Stiles' eyes flattered open, and Derek froze in place.

"Der?" the baby voice was so soft and full of sleep, and Derek shivered. The boy looked around, confused and sleepy and he landed his eyes on his big brother, still looming over him. "What are you doing? Why are your eyes gold? Are those fangs?"

So many questions, it was so typical for Stiles, and Derek could not notice the excitement in his voice as well.

Derek shook his head already feeling a little more in control. Stiles was sitting there, on his bed covered with sponge bob sheets and his big innocent eyes were watching Derek with everything but fear. Derek instantly calmed down, only his golden eyes as a proof of the full moon remaining now.

"It's okay, Stiles," he whispered and slowly sat down next to his brother.

Immediately, Stiles moved closer to him and kneeled on his knees to see Derek better. The innocence and pure curiosity was so sweet on him when he watched the new color of Derek's eyes. "Why are they gold though?"

"It's a full moon." Derek knew it was up to their parents to explain Stiles what they were, but Derek felt the need to do it now. He felt responsible for waking Stiles up, plus somewhere inside him desperately wanted to be the one to tell Stiles their big secret.

"Okay?" Stiles asked, uncertain.

"Look, Stiles," Derek said as he leaned against the headboard and pulled Stiles closer to lean against Derek's side. The kiddo was still watching him with fascination and Derek felt proud. "I'm not a human, you see? Me and mom and dad, even Laura and Fraya and Cora, we all are werewolves."

Derek watched as Stiles' face lit up at the mention of supernatural creatures. "Cool!" he exclaimed happily, "am I a wolfie, too?" he bounced up on the bed.

Derek laughed, and ruffled his brother's hair. "No, kiddo, you are just a regular human," he teased and Stiles pouted his lips almost immediately.

"'m not regular, duh," Stiles mumbled as Derek laughed again. Leave it to Stiles to think it's cool to be a werewolf. Derek was positive there will be much more questions to come, and a lot more explaining, but for that one moment, he felt content because Stiles was the last in their household to not know about their real true selves, and that sucked. Why did they even keep it a secret for such a long time when Stiles feels all happy and excited about it?

And then, as Stiles happily rambled about all things he heard in his cartoons, it hit him.

Talia always told them that one day, every wolf needs to find their anchor or else they won't be able to fully control their transformation and the impact of the full moon. That without an anchor they won't be able to stop the want to kill.

Derek looked back at his little brother, and his chest tightened. He just found his anchor.

Stiles was his anchor.

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