PART A; the lost baby (Derek; age 7)

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Hope you guys will like this. It's the first chapter of this story. I know excatly where I'm going with this, I also have few more chapters already written, so hopefully this story will have a smooth flow!

"What is it, daddy?"

A small black haired boy was trying to pop his head under his father's arm, but the old man was way quicker pushing his young son aside, as he looked sternly into his green, innocent eyes.

"Go get your mama, Der, now."

"But daddy!" The boy whined and once again tried to look behind his father to see what was lying on the ground. He was barely seven years old, but his wolf senses were getting better as the days went on, and the young wolf could smell an odd scent in the air. It was so sweet yet sour to his small nose, as he wrinkled it in confusion.

"I said go, and you will listen to your father, Derek James Hale." His voice was firm, yet soft at the edges. He was a boy once, too, and he could see where his son's curiosity was coming from. He understood that childish need to know everything right away. Plus, Samuel Hale had a soft spot for his only son; he was strickt with him, yet he will let a lot more pass him than he would his daughters.

The boy sighed dramatically, trying to give his dad a puppy eyes one last time, but nodded his head anyway, as he slowly dragged his feet in the direction of their home.

Talia Hale was at home with his newborn sister, Cora, and his two older sisters. Laura and Fraya didn't have to go to the woods with their father for training lessons like Derek did; they both were now over ten years old now which meant they were done with the basics of werewolf training whereas Derek was just starting to learn how to deal with his anger or fear that could trigger his transformation.

Derek dragged his feet through the fallen leaves, making swishing sounds each step he took, and cringing every now and then. As he entered the clearing in front of his house, he could already see his mother standing on the threshold with a baby covered in pink blanket in her arms. She had a worried expression on her face and her eyes were focusing on Derek as she swayed his baby sister from side to side gently.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" She asked gently, and despite being still few more meters afar, Derek could hear her clearly.

"Daddy found something," he said and shrugged, "or someone I think. He won't let me see, ma," Derek complained as he walked up the steps to the porch. "He said to go and get you, though."

Talia watched her son closely before she smiled at him with love written in her beautiful face, and she brushed her fingers through his hair.

"It's okay, Derek. I'll go get him now, will you watch your sister for me?" Talia, being the loving mother she was, knew how much Derek loved his youngest sister, and just how much he loved to help taking care of her. He was still too young to watch her on his own, Cora was only few weeks old, but Talia trusted her son with her whole heart. When his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree lights, she laughed and carefully placed the baby in his arms.

"Just hold her tight and keep her safe for me, would you now?"

With his eyes glued to the sleeping baby, Derek nodded his head. Careful not to wake Cora up, Derek sat down and leaned his back against the side of the house. He cuddled her face with his palm gingerly, and smiled when she purred happily.

Talia watched the scene for a little longer, smiling fondly at her children. She was one happy woman to have a family such as this, and she would do everything in her power, even beyond it, to protect them. And if Samuel, her husband and father of her children, has sent Derek home early from their training lesson, something must have happened.

One last time she made sure Derek and Cora were doing alright. She strained her ears to hear her two older daughters playing in the house with a new doll set she got them, and only then she turned and left looking for Samuel.

She found him soon enough; following his scent was so natural for Talia by now she would be able to find him everywhere. He was standing with his back to her when she approached him. Hidden in between the trees, Samuel slowly turned to face her when he could sense her presence.

Talia stopped dead when she saw what her husband was holding in his arms.


He looked her deep in the eyes, a small smile forming on his lips. "It's a boy, Talia."

Talia nodded, "Okay, but where are his parents?" She crossed the last few meters to get to the two, and she looked curiously at the baby boy contently lying in her husband's arms. The baby was watching her with those big brown eyes, pink cheeks and a happy smile. His small lips wore a shape of a heart and his short hair was a mess full of leaves and branches. But the baby seemed not to mind a bit. It was mumbling nonsense happily and when Talia came closer, the baby reached his tiny arms for her, squealing happily. He was barely a year old.

Instead of taking him, Talia looked up to her husband who still had to answer her. "Where are his parents, Sam?"

Samuel sighed. "I killed them."

"You did what now?!" Talia looked at him with shock. Samuel Hale wasn't one to kill people just like that. They were werewolves; they were predators not killers.

"They were the hunters, Tali, the hunters we've been hiding from for last couple of months," Samuel hurried with his explanation, "I was training with Der, when I sensed their presence. I made it a game for him, sent him running after a fox in the other direction, and went to see what we were up against. We got into a crossbow fight but it was only the two of them, they did not stand a chance against me. A man, and his wife. They were so reckless to bring a baby into a fight, Talia!"

She looked at the boy again as she listened to her husband's story. The boy was still bubbling happily reaching his arms for her, and reluctantly, she took him. The baby made a happy squeal and bounced in her arms. Against her better judgment, Talia smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"His mother went down first. I didn't want to hurt her, I swear, but I could hear Derek running around the woods and I had to protect our son. When it was over, I wanted to run away, get Derek back home. But I heard a soft crying in the distance. That's when I found him."

Samuel pointed at the now almost sleeping boy, and he smiled.

"He's just an innocent kid, Talia. What should we do about him?"

She looked down at the baby in her arms. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly open in a sweet pout. His breath was even and his smell was such sweet and fresh. Her maternal instincts struck in and she held him just a little bit tighter.

"Well, we can't leave him here," she said after a while.

"He's not a wolf, and he's a son of hunters."

Talia nodded, she knew all of that. "Still, we can't leave him here. He would die out here all alone."

"Are we taking him home then?"

Talia looked up, searching her husband's eyes for some discomfort, hate or fear, but she found none. There was only love in his eyes. So she smiled, nodded her head and turned on her heel. They were going to welcome the baby to their home.

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