Chapter one ;

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It was a normal morning. Or as normal as it gets living on an ice bade on both could get. Different? No
Normal? Yes.
She was used to it by now. Leaving one planet for another, then another. Honestly she's surprised she didn't get sick as often since she doesn't sleep much and going from a tropical planet to an ice planet could screw anyone's immunity.

So when she went to the wreck room and saw Han and Luke waiting for her it wasn't a surprise as they usually ate breakfast (or what they would call breakfast)  together. But there was a new person there. Which was weird as she had a pretty high rank and usually got notified when new alliance members came in.

The princess took a seat next to Han. "Good morning your worshipfulness". "Good morning flyboy, Hello Luke" she had  replied with. "Morning Leia" Luke said.
She patted Han on the shoulder and whispered in his ear "who's the new guy"
"Oh that's Timmy Karr he's new and is a pilot" he whispered.

"Why hello I'm Leia it's nice to have you aboard" she greeted.
"I'm glad to be here" he smiled "I brought you some Caf  as a since of peace" he laughed
"Why thank you Tim" she smiled.  "Well I better get going I have a lot of work to do today I have so much paper work it unintelligible and we have to retake inventory" she smiled and walked off as her friends said there good byes to her.

As she was walking down the hall into the storage place she realized she forgot her data pad In her cabin. "of course I left it there because why would something go right for once" she muttered under her breath as she was now slightly annoyed with herself.

On her way back to the Storage/Shipment place she saw Tim. "Hey Leia was it? Can you point me to were the pilot range is?" He asked her. "Yeah sure it's that ways" she pointed to her right. He said thanks and she continued her walk.


After a few hours of doing inventory she felt kinda tired which was odd since she was fine this morning and she had some Caf but I guess she was done here anyway and was off to do some paper work about who knows what.

She sat in her chair and was suddenly overcome by tiredness now she was really more then before. If she didn't feel better after an hour of paper work she would just go get more coffee. It was just from her Standing and walking around so much in the early hours that's all.

The princess picked up the paper and pen and got to work.

Gods was she tired maybe she really did need some more coffee she couldn't see herself doing much of anything else if she didn't get this exhaustion to go away soon. What if Luke or Han came in and saw her like this they would flip!

Finally she stood up and got very dizzy. Obviously she just got up to fast.
She took a few steps before she started seeing dots in her vision. And suddenly

B a m


"Hey Luke have you seen Leia around I know she was suppose to be doin inventory but I can't find her and her shifts up!" A very impatient Han asked the younger boy.

"look  I don't know have you check the offices you know how she is she doesn't care if her shift is over, there's always paperwork"Luke said as he was getting ready to fly off for a mission.

"Yeah, I'll go check them out have, be careful on your mission kid" he thanked the boy and walked off to the halls.

He checked all but one of all the rooms and honestly she was gonna get a piece of his mind when she found him she was suppose to help him with the Falcon! She had promised as usual!

"Leia this better some damn good-" he was quickly cut off when he opened the door and saw her lifeless pale body on laying near the door.

Quickly he slammed the door and was on the floor in an instant. He had her face in his lap "Leia, Leia, come on wake up Sweetheart" as he gently tapped her face. He turned his comm on "Hey it's Solo anyone there, anyone, Leias wounded, I don't know how but she is, sOME One COMM In" he yelled frantically into the  comm mic. "Screw it!" He yelled and picked her up bridal style and started walking to the Medic Centre.

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