Chatper three;

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Han woke to someone crying? He looked over to see Leia clearly in distress and ran over to her shaking her shoulders slightly " wake up Leia its okay its just a dream.." He kept tell her over and over again until she finally did.

"Han? Han is that you..wha what's going on.. Where am I" she was very confused.
"It's  okay sweetheart your on the Falcon, Safe everything okay" His voice was calm and soothing which was odd of Han but he could be caring at times. Honestly this was probably her favorite things about him. How he could be so tough and impossible yet  so caring at times when she needed him.

Han got up from next to her and got her some water. She muddled a thank you.
They sat I silence before Han asked "what's happened, did you have a nightmare"
"Alderaan..My family and friends..Vader" she said the last one with vengeance leaking in her voice "why am I here? The last thing I remember was doing paperwork and now suddenly I wake up and I'm in the medic room on the falcon" she was indeed very puzzled until Solo answered with " you were drugged and have a slight fever,You wouldn't know so one who would want to hurt you know would you" she shook her head no.

Well you should probably get some rest. They said since you fell you might have a a slight concussion so you not allowed to work for a few days" he heard her yell "what! I'm fine I feel fine maybe a few hours of sleep but besides that I feel fine  I promise" she only begged to go back to work.  " well your highness I don't have much of a say when or when not your allowed to work I only know your allowed to stay on my ship..unless you wanna stay on the echo base medic centre.Once again she shook her head no. "Good make your self at home then princess also you should try and get some sleep I'll be right outside doing scoundrelly things outside I'm sure Chewie can help with whatever you need"he said his goodbye and she said her's.

He decides that since she was up he would go talk to the heads about trying to figure out who did this to his princess.
"Listen Captain I'm going to find a way to capture whoever did this to her I promise" Mon Mothma said in response to all the yelling that Han was causing " I'm sure Reekian would love to help as would the rest of us we will try our hardest what else do you want us to do?" "
"I don't know your the high command of this place"
"Look Captain Solo I'll see if I can get a sample of what she was poisoned with and send it out to Chandrila if you want to do that..You can even take it there if you want on your ship there you might be able to find who and what the drug is"

Gods this lady really did have a plan for everything. A second ago she didn't know now she has this huge plan that might actually work she was smart at least the Alliance had a good leader that's a plus. "Fine..that'll work beautifully" he thanked her. " I'll have someone go look for the droid now and have someone send it to your ship, now excuse me I have to go take care of a few other things" she gave him a smile and left.

Well while he was waiting for that droid he thought he might as well go see if there were any rouge pilots who knew anything.

He started at the first group of guys he saw and worked from one to another. Han soon made his way to were Tim and his group was. Han noticed something. Something wasn't right one of them were sweating nervously almost. You don't sweat much on an ice planet. " hey kid what you name?" He asked the guy who was sweating "Um Mark" he said nearly above a whisper. "Have you seen the princess yesterday or today" he asked "no I I haven't I'm sorry is there something wrong" " no" he then made his way to the next group.

"Hey err...Han what wrong with Princess Leia is she okay?" Tim asked. " She was drugged yesterday"
"Oh I'm so sorry, I'm guess that's why you weren't in the Mess Hall this morning..well I hope everything goes well with her, May the force be with her" Tim said and went back to his group to finish working.

"Me too Tim, Me too" He walked off to finish talking to the other men.

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