Chapter five;

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Han woke up to someone knocking on his door (ship door not like his room)
"God stop knocking I'm coming" he finally yelled. God who the hell knocks on a door at 7 am. He opened it to see a droid. "I was sent here to hand this to you" Han took it looked at it carefully. It was sample of drug or something. He didn't major in science he just knew he had to get it tested. "Thank you" he said to the droid before closing the door and walking to the pilots seat so he could examine it more. It looked like blood probably her blood from when they were doing test on her in medical.

She gonna be so happy to go to Chandrila. He's never been there eithers so knows nothing about honestly but it can't be that bad right? He decides he'll tell Leia when she wakes up but first he wants to go to medic to make sure she's okay go. He might as well go now. He leaves a note for her in case she wakes up and is confused.

Your Worship,
Went to go see the medic droids got the sample be back soon

He left that in his room even tho it was more like her room now.
"Have you taken inventory of your ship yet,Do you have enough supplies to last the trip" Dodonna asked. "Depends, How long does it take to get to Chandrila from Hoth" asked Han. "About 6-8 hours using hyper space" he said then added " how's Leia?"
"She doing okay, your princess puts up quite the fight when she wants to" Han chuckled "Honestly though I'm not much of a doctor and since we don't know what she's been drugged with I really can't say much. Her fevers been quite low so that's good but she can't really walk. I've never had a concussion but I don't think it has anything to do with the way you walk" Han finished. "You should take her to medical see if they can help" Dodonna looked down at his watch "Well I got a meeting it was nice seeing you Captain and tell Leia I hope she feels better". " will do".

Han Walked down to medical to go talk to the droids about Leia. On his way there he saw Tim...he seemed to be angry. "Hey Tim what ups" asked Han. He liked Tim he seemed like a nice kid. Kinda reminded him of Luke but less sensitive. Tim put on a smile "Hey Han, Oh I'm just going to the Mess hall for some Caf before I start helping the X-Wings again". "Well nice seeing ya around kid" Han said as he kept walking.

'I don't know how much longer I can keep this up I hate everyone here, why is everyone so cheerful' Tim said in his mind. Really though he was going somewhere he could call his boss and see how much longer he just had to stay here because gosh was the imperial building nice. He hated Hoth and everything on it.


"You sure she's okay to go?" Han asked the medic droid
"Yes, but bring a wheel chair just in case if she can't walk" the droid said. Han laughed inwardly. If Han told Leia to use a wheelchair she would probably murder him in cold blood and throw his head into space. "I'll see what I can do about that" he finally told the droid. 'Well time to go tell Leia the great news' he said to himself.

He walked in the door and he heard crying. Only person it could be. Leia. He walked carefully to his her cabin and peeked through the door to see her head I'm her arms and her hair in a frazzled French braid down her back. He must not have heard him come in because she jumped when she felt someone else in the bed. She looked up to see Han. Her eyes were red and puffy. " I'm sorry Han" is all she said. "For what princess, you've done nothing wrong" he was confused. Did she blame all this on herself?

"I...I can't move my legs, I don't know what wrong with me its I'm paralyzed or something I can't explain it" she wept back into her hands. Han pulled her to him so that her head was on his chest. "hey sweetheart it's gonna be okay" he whispered to her "I'm sure it's only temporary, it's probably just a side effect to that stupid drug" he tried reassuring her. "No Han it's not gonna be okay what if it gets worse what if my whole body goes numb what if I die no it's not okay" she was hopeless. "Hey now don't say that, look I just went to medical and they said it's okay, they even gave you a wheelchair" he said " what..wait wHAT a WhEElChaIr I'm not...I can't" she said still crying softly. "You don't have to, We can have Chewie carry you everywhere...Or I will if you ask nicely" she slapped him in the chest. "Argh my ego" he said giving her a smirk as she gave him a small smile. "Ah see I know you too well, In other good news me and you princess are going to Chandrila. Her face lit up "Don't forget about Chewie" she said. "....and Chewie" he added. "Well your highness I'm gonna go get Chewie and might as well start this trip would you like to sit with us your worshipfulness" Han asked nicely. "It's okay I got a plan" he swept her up into his arms bridal style and carried her to her seat behind him. She was smiling at this point. He had expected to get yelled at but he never understood her. Chewie sat down next to him and then voom.

Hyper space it was.

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