for homosexuals (idk what u wanna be called)

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No offence idk what you want to be called don't hurt me*hides face*
I'm doing multiple in one chapter because to be honest just walk away I'm tired of peopel using gay slurs it just makes people of that race or ethnicity or gender look bad people say they don't care what others thing buy that's what everything is based on others opinions it's good to say you don't care but everyone cares if it helps you use it and don't be like me and litertly loose all your fucks ignore the basic bitches and bee your selif GOT DAYM THAT INSPORATION

Let's get started dd

The big guy said "Oi are you bent"

Quick reply was " Why have you got a crooked cock"

That was the end of that.

That's not what your mom said last night.

"why, you interested"? :)

.if a girl says you're gay, and you actually are, I find the best burn is: "At least I can get a boyfriend."

Yah thats what I got be creative guys your my only hope at this moment...
So I have been an addict with a pen and I am going back to the isle of flightless birds......

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