Chapter Three

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I finished healing myself and decided I wanted something to eat. I got up and walked towards the kitchen when I noticed the window open and the curtains swaying in the wind. I turned around and got into a fighting stance. My eyes desperately searched throughout my dark apartment, but I saw Batman standing in the shadows and eased up.

"I heard what happened from some officers at GCPD. Are you OK?" Asked a worried Batman.

"Yeah I'm fine, just some thug in an ally that got the jump on me. No big deal; I'm fine." He didn't look convinced, but he nods his head and leaves.

I closed the window after he left and went to the kitchen to make something to eat. After I finished I went to take a shower, I went off to bed feeling really tired from the day's events.

I woke up the next morning and made myself some breakfast. Looking in the fridge I realize I need to grab some stuff. I check around the cupboards and see what else I need. After making a list of what I need, I head to the store.

I've been shopping for a couple hours now and I'm almost done when I hear people start to scream and head towards the exits. I stop and turn so I can see what's going on, but I see nothing. I leave my cart where it is and head towards the exit.

I was close to the exit when I heard something heavy coming at me fast. I turn around just in time to see Bane slam me up against the wall.

"So you're the girl that the Bat went and visited last night."

I just looked at him shocked. Wait. What? I didn't see him on the street last night.

Bane just laughs. "One of my boys saw him last night jump out of the window, so we did a little research to see who lived in that pathetic excuse of an apartment. After a little research, we understood it to be yours."

I still looked at him shocked. I couldn't believe how perfect the timing was.

"So now little Miss," he said, "you tell who who the Bat is and I let you go but if you refuse then. Well. I'm sure you know what I'm going to do," he said, evil smirk growing on his face.

I open my mouth to say something but the next thing I know I'm back on the ground and Bane is knocked out. I just stand there shocked. Wow that happened so fast. Nice job Bruce.

Then I see him, again, Slade. Oh my gosh. It was him. He saved me. But, why?

He starts to walk closer to me. I back up as much as I can but the stupid wall is in my way. Soon he's right in front of me. He places his hand on the side of my face. Then he starts talking but I don't hear him. Everything I hear is muffled soon though, he walks away. Just like that.

I hold my head in my hands and slide down the wall. I start to cry and I can't hear what everyone is saying. I can't breathe. Something's wrong. Why do I keep seeing him? He's not real he's dead. I watched him die. I sit there trying to tell myself he's not real. But I felt him it had to be real. I sit in the store and just cry.

Richard's POV:
I just got done eating at my favorite diner in Gotham. Bruce finally got a hold of me and told me to come and visit so we could catch up. I was walking back to my hotel when I saw people screaming and running out of the super market. I quickly run across the street to see what was going on but no one wanted to talk to me. So I guess I have to go find out myself.

I quickly run into the store and see everyone gathered around someone, that I couldn't see.

"My name's Richard Grayson form Bludhaven Police Department." I show my badge. "Is everyone alright. Do I need to call an ambulance?"

Everyone looked at me concerned but, someone told me no. I start getting closer to the crowd and I swear I could see Bane on the ground knocked out.

I move through the crowd but when I was halfway through a lady stopped me and said "That girl should be put in an asylum." I just look at her confused.  I just nod my head and continue through the crowd.

When I'm through the crowd I see a girl. No, not just any girl. Rachel. She's crying and mumbling something I can't understand. I quickly rush over to her.

"Rachel are you OK? What happened?"

She wouldn't respond, but I could hear her say that 'he's not there' and 'it's just my mind trying to calm me down.' I keep trying I hold her hand and say calming words to her. I put my hand on her face and I tell her I'm here, that it's me. I start to play with her hair to calm her down and that's when she stops and looks at me. She looks so surprised. She puts her hand over her mouth, hugs me, then she cries even harder.

Rachel's POV:
I see someone walk up to me and he looks so concerned. Then I realize it's Richard but it can't be he wouldn't be able to recognize. It's all in my head, he's not here. It's just my mind trying to calm me down. He holds my hand and puts his hand on my face a says  such sweet things to calm me down. It wasn't until he started to play with my hair that I realize that it was him. He was really here trying to calm me down. I put my hand over my mouth, then I quickly got up and hugged him. I started to cry even harder. I look at the crowd and see that the people are surprised that we know each other or maybe they're surprised that I'm still sane.

Richard starts to rub my back and he tells me everything's going to be OK.

"What happened?" He asks me.

That's when I just go off. "I saw him, he took down Bane, he saved me, but he should be dead. We watched him die."

I talked so fast and I was crying so hard I don't think he understood me.

"Just calm down Rachel, it's OK, everything will be alright. Hey, why don't you come with me? I'll take you to my hotel and we can talk about this there Ok?"

I nod my head yes. Richard lets me go and stands up. He then helps me up and we leave the store and start walking to his hotel room.

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