Chapter Ten

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Not edited

Rachel's POV

Here I am on a five and a half hour flight to Jump City with Richard sitting next to me. I always thought flights by myself were bad but, I guess I've never been in a flight with Richard John Grayson. Not even an hour into the flight and he's already asleep. That's not the worst part though. The worst part is he's also snoring. Loudly mind you. I can't even hear myself think. I look at Richard tempted to smother him awake but decide not to. Oh boy this is going to be a long flight.

~~~~~~~~Some time later~~~~~~~~
Richard's POV

"Man I am tired", I say and stretch my arms over my head. I laugh when Rachel gives me a death glare. I'm really not that tired I just fell like pissing of Rachel right now, and it's working. Roy was standing there waiting for us, he looks tired maybe Kori is a piece of work when she's pregnant. We greeted each other and put all of our luggage in the trunk and got in the car. I think Roy was breaking speed limits to get home. Maybe he's worried about Kori or he just wants to get home. Once we got to there house we all said good night and went to bed.

~~~~~~~~Next morning~~~~~~~~~
Rachel's POV

I woke up pretty late, that was because someone kept me up for all of the flight, I did my morning routine and went out for breakfast, probably lunch by now. For the whole meal I gave Richard a death glare, he laughed most of the time. I went around Jump looking for some last minute supplies for the gender reveal party. As I was walking around memories came flooding back to me. I even walked by the pizza place we went to for a victory meal. It looked like it was being run by someone else. I even went to look at the Titans Tower from a distance, it still looks brand new, I chuckled and walked away. All of the memories I have in that place come back to me. Makes me wish I was still a Titan.

I went back to the house and started to set everything up for tomorrow. It was starting to get late and my patience was growing dangerously low so, Richard asked me to go for a walk with him through the city. As we walked we talked about the memories we there, joked, and laughed. We were really enjoying ourselves. We made our final stop at the Titans Tower we just stood there and looked at it. It was all lite up like someone was inside but, we knew no one was. I guess it's acting like a memorial so the people of Jump City never forget the Titans. After some time Richard broke the silence. "We'll come back here someday and actually go inside." I only nod my head in agreement. I saw Richard check his watch, "We should probably head back to the house." I nod my head in agreement, again, and we turn away form our old home and head back to the house.

When we arrived back to back to the house all of the lights were off. We got to the front door and tried to open it but it was locked. "Great we're locked out. Do you have anything to pick the lock with?" I look at him funny, "No, why would I?" Richard shrugged, "It's good to have something on you for this kind of situation. Might want to start carrying that kind of stuff now." I looked at him, "So where is your lock pick stuff?" Richard was looking around the house, "In my jacket that just happens to be in the house." Richard sighs, "Well I guess we're going to have to go through the window." Richard said that so casually I couldn't believe it. I stood there in shock until I saw him move to the other side of the house. I rush to find him so I could convince him that it was a bad idea. When I found him he was almost to one of the windows, "Are you crazy?! This is breaking into a house with a pregnant alien, who's married to an archer! This is a death sentence." Richard just chuckles, "Don't worry I made sure my window was unlocked in case something like this happened." Richard, by now, had reached the window and opened it, climbing in. I stood outside in shock then I saw Richard lean out the window and wave me up. "Do you expect me to climb up there?" Richard nods his head and I sigh. I walk up to the house and start to climb it I was trying to be quiet, surprisingly I was actually quiet. Once I reached the top Richard helped me through the window. He pats me on the back with a big smirk on his face. I just roll my eyes and walk out of his room and head to mine. I change into my pajamas, brush my teeth, then head to bed.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I promise I'll try to update sooner. This chapter isn't edited I wanted to get this up as quickly as I could so I didn't have my friend edit it. What do you think the gender of Kori and Roy's baby should be? Let me know in the comments and if you have a name to go along with the gender I would really like to hear it. Thanks for reading I hope to update soon, hopefully, with both chapters edited.

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