Chapter 6 - House and Home

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Next morning everyone was quiet. Molly hugged Ginny and everyone said their goodbyes.

Ginny was ready. Her bags were packed and tied to the end of her broom. She took one last look at the house she grew up in and then swung her leg over the broom and took off.

Everyone waved until she became a small speck in the sky. Harry waited a little longer, the speck had disappeared and now he could only see the blue sky. She was gone.

"She said she would send us an owl when she reached." Hermione said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I know. I'm not sad. I'm happy for her." Harry said, turning away from the clear sky. "Ron and I are going to get our books and things from Diagon Ally. Come with us.

Harry, Ron and Hermione first went to Madam Malkins for their uniform. Ron was getting a new set of robes from the money the ministry had awarded them for saving the wizarding world.

After Madam Malkins they went to Flourish & Blotts and picked up their books. They passed Ollivanders who had reopened his shop. There were a lot of witches and wizards who needed new wands this time. When they passed the Owl Emporium, Harry started at the Owls in the window. He thought about Headwig who died and how he would never get an owl to replace her.

After their shopping they went back to the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Molly brought food. George and Lee closed the shop early and they sat down together to eat.

This was the light in the dark tunnel. After the dark times they had been through, after all the lives lost, they were now able to move on without guilt or fear.

Harry was happy too. He was going to show Molly his new house so that she would keep herself busy in fixing the place up. Once he was back from Hogwarts he would finally have a place of his own.


The next few days, everyone became very busy. The Burrow was often empty. Arthur, Charlie and Percy would be at work. George and Lee would be at the shop Harry, Ron and Molly headed down to Ottery Bay to fix up the old house Harry bought.

"The house seems solid enough. The roof would have to be checked of course, we wouldn't want it to leak during the rains." Molly said while inspecting the house.

There were 4 bedrooms in total. The reason Harry chose this one was because of the spiral staircase leading to the bedrooms. It was similar to the one in the Burrow. There was plenty of land behind the house which looked like a mini Quidditch pitch.

"You could use some more green out front but otherwise this place is great!" Molly said. She looked very excited to start decorating the place.

Ron patted him on the back. "Congratulations, mate" he said, grinning.

"Aguamenti." Molly said from outside, pointing her wand to the top of the building. A jet of water poured out and sprayed all over the building.

"RON! Check for leaks" Molly called out. Harry and Ron came out of the house, completely drenched.

"I think we have a lot to fix." Ron said, shaking water out of his red hair.

As the days moved closer to September 1st, Harry relaxed. Hermione visited every evening.

"My parents want to drop me off at King's cross tomorrow." Hermione said the night before they had to go. "I think it's progress. They remember how it felt to send me to school."

"That's good." Ron said, taking her hand. "I knew they would come around."

"I hope you two are done packing." Molly said to Harry and Ron.

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