Chapter 13 - Lying boyfriends

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Terrence corner sat with the rest of the first year Gryffindors at breakfast. He seemed like a quiet boy but he often glared at Harry, Ron and Hermione. He also kept a close eye on Malfoy, who he considered as his arch enemy.

Everyone at Hogwarts knew about his hate for Malfoy but nobody knew why. His fellow first years tried to talk to him but he denied knowing Malfoy from before Hogwarts.

"That git is staring at you again." Ron said trying not to let Terrence see Ron talk about him.

"Maybe you should go talk to him." Hermione suggested throwing Terrence a quick glance.

Harry looked up from his homework and straight at Terrence who did not drop his gaze.

"What?" Harry asked loudly in Terrence's direction.

"Nothing." Terrence said looking away and Harry went back to his homework.

Ron and Hermione stared at Harry, surprised at his casual attitude.

"That's it?" Hermione asked.

"I have got to finish this for Flitwick by this afternoon. I don't have time to deal with this." Harry said, not looking up from his homework.

"Harry you are under a lot of pressure lately. Losing your place in the Quidditch team was a big blow but it's not the only thing to do here." Hermione said.

"Yea, I think we need to keep an eye on that Terrence kid. Something creepy about the way he stares at us all the time." Ron added.

"He stares at Harry, Not us." Hermione corrected him. But Ron ignored her.

"If he is in any way associated with Malfoy then he is definitely bad news." He continued.

"I agree with you on that." Hermione said before taking a bite out of his toast.

Ron froze, even Harry looked up from his Charms homework to stare at Hermione.

"You agree with Ron?" Harry asked grinning.

"You remember what happened that night between Malfoy and Terrence." Hermione said, looking at their surprised faces. They shook their heads.

"Malfoy told Terrence to stay away from him. Which means he was scared of Terrence." Hermione said as-a-matter-of-factly. "Do you know who Malfoy is afraid of, apart from his father and Voldermort."

Harry shook his head but Ron said grinning "Mad-Eye?"

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"If you are referring to the ferret incident," she said "Then that wasn't the real Mad-Eye. Besides, Mad-Eye is dead, how would he have anything to do with Terrence or Malfoy?"

Ron shrugged.

"That's between Malfoy and Terrence, why would he keep staring at me?" Harry asked.

Before Hermione could reply, the owl post had arrived and a snowy white owl landed in front of Ron.

Harry and Hermione stared at it in surprise but Ron's ears went red. He quickly took the letter from the owl and sent it off.

"Who sent that?" Harry asked watching the bird fly away, thinking of Hedwig.

"Nobody." Ron said, tucking the letter into his robes. He regretted it immediately on seeing the deadly look on Hermione's face.

"Has you secret admirer been writing to you since they sent the box of newspaper clippings." Hermione asked frowning.

"No." Ron said, but his red ears have him away.

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