Chapter 18 - The slug party

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It was almost time for the dinner party with Slughorn. Harry and Ron had gotten dressed and were sitting in front of the fire of the Gryffindor common room waiting for Hermione.

The portrait hole opened and Ginny came rushing in, her face bright.

"Harry! I got it." She said waving a roll of parchment tied with purple ribbon. "I just ran into Slughorn and at first he looked surprised to see me but then he invited me to the dinner."

"Great! Now I will have some good company." Harry said smiling.

"I got to go and get dressed." Ginny said happily and ran up the stairs to the girls dormitory.

By 7 o'clock they were all dressed and they made their way down to the dungeons for the dinner.

The room was full of mostly students who took part in the battle of Hogwarts, it was like a reunion for the members of the DA. Everyone chatting excitedly, even Luna seemed to be getting along with Dean and Seamus. Parvati and Padma Patil were smiling and waving at Harry and Ron.

Slughorn was talking to a tall pale wizard who had long hair that fell past his shoulders. Harry suspected he was a vampire because the drink in his hand was blood red.

"Potter! So glad you could come." Slughorn said stopping his conversation abruptly to talk to Harry.

"Ginny dear, I have someone I would like you to meet! It's so good I could get you here today." Slughorn said turning to Ginny.

Throwing Harry a look of surprise she followed Slughorn's lead.

Harry was about to follow when someone grabbed the back of his robes.

"Harry! Pretend you are talking to me." Neville said urgently.

Before Harry could say anything Mandy Brocklehurst from Ravenclaw came up to them.

"Neville! I knew you would be here." She said in a fake high pitched voice. "This gathering for heroes of the war wouldn't be complete without you." She battered her eyelashes at him adoringly.

"Harry need me for something, I'll see you later." Neville said quickly dragging Harry to the other end of the room.

"What was that about?" Harry asked.

"She has been all over me since our return to Hogwarts." Neville said making sure she wasn't around. "Where is Ron and Hermione? I could use some more support."

Harry looked too, he was surprised because they all entered together so where did they go?

Just as he wondered he spotted Ron and Hermione laugh and stumble out from behind the heavy curtains. Their faces were red.

The music went down and everyone gathered around Slughorn who waved his wand and chairs appeared forming a circle.

"Everyone can take a seat, Harry, Ron and Hermione can sit with me." Slughorn said and all eyes turned to them. "You are the guest of honour tonight."

Once everyone was seated Slughorn cleared his throat and a table descended from the ceiling already set with empty plates, spoons and goblets for everyone and set itself in the middle of the circle.

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