Chapter 2

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When I come home from Taco Bell, I get on my MacBook amd start writing my article about Joey for the website. I was typing the middle of a sentence when suddenly phone vibrates. I click save and pick up my phone. I have 1 text saying, "Hey, its me Joey," I decide to reply back and add him in my contacts.

Me: Hey what's up?

Joey: Nothing, lol I'm bored... whatcha doin?

Me: Writing an article about you, lol

Joey: Oh, when's it gonna be up?

Me: Probably two days from now so Friday haha

Joey: Ohkay cool... so... about the whole photo shoot thing, you still up for it?

Me: Yeah of course

Joey: Kay, well we wanna work with you. What day works best for you?

Me: Um, Saturday tbh

Joey: Cool, I'll see if the boys are free that day. We would have the shooting at WebFamous studios right?

Me: Yeah :)

Joey: Okay then, talk to later I guess :)

Me: Kay, bye :)

I set down my phone and smile to myself. I finish writing the article and then go to bed.


I sit at my desk on the computer trying to get the right layout fo the article.

"You up for tonight?" I hear the familiar annoying voice say behind me. I roll my eyes before turning around.

"Kane, I can't. I have ummmm, a meeting, with a client." I say putting on a fake smile. Kane leans on my desk and folds his arms.

"No you don't." Kane says.

"Um, actually I do, I just need to schedule it." I say grabbing my phone out my pocket.

"Who is the client anyway?" He asks. I smile before answering.

"Joey Gatto and friends." I say smiling.

"Whatever." Kane says rolling his eyes and walking away.

I tap on the contact that says "Joey Gatto" on my phone and press the call button.

"Yolo" He answers once he picks up the phone. I laugh a bit.

"Hey um, can we meet at like Dunkin Donuts to talk about the photoshoot?" I ask him.

"Um sure. Should I bring the other members?" He replies.

"Oh yeah if they want to come. They don't hav too." I tell him.

"Okay then, what time and which Dunkin's?" He asks.

"5 o'clock and you choose which dunkins you wanna meet at." I tell him.

"Okay I'll text you the address later." He says.

"Kay bye." I say waiting for him to hang up before me. I sit back in my chair for few seconds befofe getting a text.

Joey: Hey I can't wait to see you again haha.

I smile to myself before responding. I screensnot the message and then reply.

Me: I can't wait either!!!

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