Chapter 1

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My cousins mate, got me knocked up.


I'm 19, I can barley sort out my own life!

And him, well, he travels a lot, doesn't even stay in one country for even a month!

So, where did it start? How did it happen? You may be asking.

My cousins 20th birthday party, we all got a little too drunk. Let's just stay with that for the mean time.

The worse part is, is that I haven't told anyone yet.

Well it's not something you can work into a topic!

"What's for dinner tonight dad?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs, Hun"

"Hey dad, I'm pregnant, so make more for my baby" .

And what are my friends gonna think?



I mean, if i were in their shoes, the I probably would be thinking the same thing. And you're probably thinking the same thing.

The day I found out a lot of things went running through my mind, especially Adoption and Abortion. But I couldn't do that, never in a million years could I ever kill an innocent human being for mine and it's fathers mistake. And adoption? I don't think I could live with myself, of another person was holding my baby, watching it grow, calling them mum and dad. It would honestly kill me inside.

I don't usually spend a lot of time with my cousins mates, I hear a lot about them, and we've meet a couple times.

But, you know, maybe something good will come out of this?

Maybe, it might be the next president, or cure cancer.

But how was I going to do everything, pay for everything?

How was I gonna tell him?


Hey guys!

This is just an intro, I've got the next 8 chapters all ready. I'll update the next chapter right after this.

I promise, this story has a twist, so don't give up on me and think that it's the same, lame old story, written a billion times! 'Cause hopefully, it's not!!

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