Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Hey, Ella!" Liam said when I jumped I the car.

"Hey" I said, I'm my non-chirpy way.

"What's up?" He asks concerned.

"Um.." I think for a second "nothing" Liam looks at me a minute, then ignores it and drives off.

"So how's the wicked witch of the west?" Liam asked, talking about my step monster.

Rosie isn't that bad actually, she just tries to hard to be apart of my life to be my, fill in mum.

"Getting fat" I sniggered to myself,

"What?" Liam asked, confused.

"She's pregnant" his face was priceless, luckily he didn't zone completely out, so he kept driving.

"Your serious?" He asked gobsmacked.

"Yup, and it's his" I said referring to dad.

"No way! That is so wrong!" He laughed.

"I know!" I joined in with his laughter.

"Well I would never guess that would happen!"

Liam turned the radio up, and Kelly Clarkson, Stronger, came on. Liam and both sung it, very badly I might add.


"Uh.. I'll have a small hot chocolate, thanks" I told the barista.

"Only a small, Ella?" Liam asked.

"Yea, I'm not feeling too good"

"What's up? You haven't been yourself lately" he asks worriedly.

"Yea, I guess I haven't been myself lately" I half laugh.

"Why is that funny?" He asked, confused.

"I don't know..."

"You look extremely pale, are you feeling okay?" He said reaching over and feeling my forehead.

I was about to spill, telling him the reason I wasn't feeling well, then a lady called out our names and handed us our drinks.

We sat back down and had a chat, mainly about Liam's band, and their travels. I really enjoy hearing his stories.

"How's Dani?" I asked, talking about Liam's girlfriend.

"She's good!" He said, his face brightening.

Liam and Dani are like... The perfect couple. I've always wanted a relationship like theirs, you know.. Except for the fact that their relationship is do open with the puplic.

I've hung out with Dani a few times, and she is a sweet girl, really friendly, and just an all round nice person to be around.

Plus, I don't really have a track record of keeping boyfriends for too long, I think my longest relationship was about 3 months. They all just break my heart.

We chatted for a bit longer, and in my head I kept replaying what I was going to say to him, and when.

"Right, well we better go I guess" Liam said, snapping me out of my daze.

"Just... Wait for a second LiLi" I sighed "I have to tell you something" he sat back down and looked at me puzzled.

I took a deep breath "you know on your birthday? And how I got a bit drunk? Well I did something..."

"What did you do?" He asked, worried now.


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