Fireworks! (Mabel x OC 4th of July Special)

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Pairing: Mabel x OC
Type of story: Fluffy, holiday
Warning: This is an American Holiday oriented short, so apology in advanced to my fans from around the world in countries like the UK, Canada, and Japan.

It's July 4th in Gravity Falls, and Mabel was in the attic, finishing up on knitting a sweater with a design of the American flag on it.

"And finished," said Mabel.

Just then Dipper came in.

"Okay where is my American Flag tie?" Dipper asked himself.

"Got a date with Pacifica tonight?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah we're gong to the lake for a picnic," said Dipper, "I made a cheesecake for it, well a no bake one but still."

"Good because last I check the oven is leaking gas," said Mabel.

*Explosion SFX*

"I'm okay just tried to light a candle," said Stan.

"Probably a roman one," said Dipper.

Mabel laughs.

Dipper then finds his tie and puts it on.

"Okay have fun on your date," said Mabel, "I know I'll have fun on mine."

"What are you talking about?" Dipper asked.

"Oh Grenda set me up on a blind date with her cousin Rob," said Mabel.

"Okay have fun," said Dipper.

A few hours later Mabel was in Gravity Falls Park waiting for her date.

"Where is he?" Mabel asked.

Mabel keeps on kicking her feet up in the air.

"God this is more boring than that date with Timmy Reuben to the morgue," said Mabel, "Then again I that was during my weird Goth phase. Luckily that was a week long thing."

Mabel then gets up and walks away.

"Looks like I got blew off again," said Mabel, "Why are all guys like that?"

Mabel then bumps into a boy her age with blonde hair, wearing an American flag graphic tshirt, blue jeans, and glasses.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," said the boy.

"It's okay I'm just mad because my blind date blew me off," said Mabel.

"Blind Date? Wait your name's Mabel right?" the boy asked.

"Yeah why?" Mabel asked.

"I'm Rob, sorry if I'm late my mom made me bake 40 cupcakes," said Rob.

"Wait your Xander, I thought you would be shorter," said Mabel.

"I've been told I'm tall," said Rob, "Then again Grenda's my cousin and she sounds like a guy."

"Oh my god you hear that too?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah," said Rob.

(Listen to the song below)

Just then fireworks started going off.

Rob then grabs Mabel's hand.

Mabel then rest her head on his shoulder, causing both of them to blush.

Then Mabel made a move and kissed Rob on the lips as the big finale happened.

"That was amazing," said Rob.

"I know," said Mabel.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this, and for my American buddies, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!

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