Chapter 1 - When It All Started

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Hello everyone. This is my first story. I hope you like it. I just want to say that im still a noob at writing, so please don't expect me to be AMAZING at writing. I just hope I can get to everyone's expectations.Criticism is of course allowed! I want to improve as much as possible :D 

Chapter 1

I opened my eyes when i heard my grandmother calling me.

I got up and folded the half-torn carpet on which i was sleeping neatly and kept it in the corner of the room.

I went out from the small door of our hut, it was so small that i had to bend to get out.

My grandmother was outside, plucking berries from the tree near our small hut.

Our berry tree was most popular in the whole village of Harts, it had the most tastiest berries anyone had ever tasted.

My grandmother reminded me," Come hurry up, go and get your basket, you have to deliver these berries to Maria."

Yeah! people from all over the villages ordered berries from our trees, which i had to deliver every morning.

I went behind our small hut where we kept pots and pans. Just behind our hut was a small lake which was visible from the small window of our house.

I hunted for the basket which was under some pots and pans.

I stayed there for sometime looking at the lake. The blue crystal water,

the wind gushing, because of which all my hairs were in front of my face.

I pushed them behind my ear, knowing they would come back on my face.

I went from there only when i heard my grandmother calling from front of the house," What are you doing there? Come here! Fast!"

"Coming!" I replied back.

I went in the house searching for my slippers. I couldn't find them anywhere.

"I guess, ill have to go without wearing slippers" i muttered to myself.

As i went of the hut holding a basket full of berries in my right hand,

my grandmother said the same thing which she says everytime i go out," Come back soon, don't go wandering in the forest alone"

I have the habit of wandering in the forest, i like it! I like to explore the forest....alone!

I started walking towards Maria's house which was very far from ours.

The dry leaves were crumpling under my feet.

I started singing a song i as went through the path watching small kids playing, some climbing trees and some sailing their paper boats in the river.

I really love to watch small kids playing. They are just so adorable!

I could have stood there and watched them forever, but i had to deliver berries so i went without stopping.

I finally reached Maria's house and handed her mom the berries.

"Thank you" she said handing me a pot of honey covered with a cloth as a reward!

"Now for exploring!" i said to myself.

I was wandering for about the whole day in the forest when i remembered my grandmother's words "Come back soon, don't go wandering in the forest alone"

So i decided to go back when i soon realized i was completely lost in the forest.

This is not the first time it has happened.

Everytime i manage to find my way back but this time i couldn't.

I started searching for our small hut, but in vain!

Now, it was dark.

I looked above, i could hardly see the sky the trees here were so thick it was pitch black.

The pot of honey was still in my hand, i was hungry.

I hadn't ate a single morsel of food from the morning except some apples which i plucked from a tree while exploring the forest.

Now, i was all alone in this creepy place. It was giving me goosebumps.

I started roaming around in any direction hoping to find my way back like i always do. 

My heart was thumping fast, when suddenly i heard something behind a bush.

I turned around, nothing there! thank god! 

Then again i heard something in the bushes.

This time i didn't turn to look around, I started walking away fast from there.

I didn't even realize that i was running now, i turned back.

Ghosh! Some animal was following me. Itt was too dark t recognize which animal it was.

I started to run as fast as my legs could carry me.

Oh no! The animal was also running behind me with a great speed!

My long gown got caught in some of the thorny bushes.

A thorn pierced into my bare feet.

I fell down.

I was trying to remove my gown from the thorny bushes.

The creature was so close to me now.

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