Fixing Mistakes [Part: 1]

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Yay New Writing style!
She looked up she was in her bedroom
"Was it a dream?"she asks herself
Heading downstairs

" seems was all like it was that day"her eyes widen as she walks to school

she sighs when she gets to school seeing Oka and waves hi she just smiling slightly

So of course it was just a tad different then last time...

She walks inside and goes to her locker to see a note 'it's the note! Should I go?...I am going to go but I'm going to bring my friends with me at least' she thinks to then get up and start going to class

"Hey Pippi! I have a favor to ask"she walks up to Pippi playing computer games like normal

"Yes?"she asks hell-bent on beating a level "well I got this letter says to meet in the old gym and you know how the old gym is and how a lot of people are going missing so I was going to ask if you can come along?"Pippi raises a eyebrow

"Sure I'll come"she says to then get up
And they start walking to class

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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