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It felt as though someone was crushing Luke. Han had suggested exploring the base for more possible shadows for the Empire to hide in. All four of them would have never admitted in a million years that they were petrified and just wanted to stay locked in the control room forever, but they unconsciously walked almost back to back, fingers on triggers, jumping at the tiniest things and feeling their chests contract will imaginary doom. Without warning, Han opened fire down a dark and supposedly deserted corridor and another storm trooper fell. " RUN! We have to get out of here as quick as we can! They know we're here! We have to get off this planet!" All four of the pelted down the corridors with such force that the snow fell in dust to the floor under their feet. They raced to the control rooms, Leia checking security cameras, Luke was typing fast on a computer holo screen, trying desperately to lock down the area, Chewie guarded the door and Han ran down to the Falcon to do a final check to see when they could take off. " All the cameras are either frozen still or shut down to limit power and electronic signals from the base! I can't see a thing!"
" All of the doors are rusted! I can't lock them properly!"
" Guys!" Hans voice rang out of the comm, "The Falcon is pretty wrecked. We damaged most of the landing gear. Even if we could take off, which we can't (The engine got messed up and the hyperdrive's having a nervous breakdown), then we probably couldn't land. We'll just have to stay and fight it."
Chewie let out an earth- shattering roar as more storm troopers came down the corridor.

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