Chapter 1

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Hey..this is me . Emma Smith.this is my love story..about my love here it goes..

I still remember that day feels like as if since then not a single day have if it was just yesterday when I first saw him...

Its was that quite afternoon of breeze was blowing..the flowers were getting ready to bloom..i was sitting on front porch of my garden and was reading my favorite novel "AFTER" when i saw him ... He got down from his truck.. He was wearing dark blue denim and white T-shirt and white toms.he was looking handsome as hell.. I just couldn't take my eyes away from him.. As i was staring at him he looked towards me and gave a sweet smile. As he looked towards me I realised how his fair complexion was complementing his greenish blue eyes and dark brown hair.. His smile was something i have never seen in million years..and would probably can never manage to see again as he completely disappeared from my sight..I was so busy in studying his features that i completely forgot to smile back at him.its not like i like him or something like that just to be polite..when i woke up i was still outside my house and it was late in the evening..i didn't realise when i fell asleep. All I remember before my unwelcomed though peaceful nap that , i saw some guy who i don't know but somehow managed to creep into my thoughts..and I suddenly found myself smiling at the thought of him,when suddenly I realised my mother calling out my name.she was calling me in for dinner..

When i went inside of my house the dinner table was already father Mr.James Smith was already seated..i sat right next to my mother Mrs.Jane Smith entered the dining room with the dessert..she took her seat next to dad..and began with her questions and answers session..

( opps! I forgot to introduce my parents..shit!how can i miss that.. Okk so let me take you back..and introduce you to my family )

I was born in a well to do family.not very rich..but not that poor also, in the state of Washington,at Pullman.. My father works as a bank manager,and makes a quite a lot of money from it ,on the other hand my mom is a housewife..who is always busy with household work.and whenever she gets time she tries to sneak peek into my life..which i love about her,but pretend to get annoyed by her questions,so that she doesn't ask them all the very fond of my mother..and one day I want to be like her..she is my best friend. She is a very charming woman and very beautiful.. I think that's why my dad loves her so much..her long brown curls compliments er white skin..her eyes are so intense that it can heal you .. My Dad on the other hand , is a very busy man..he doesn't have much time for us.. He is the manager after all. We completely understand him.. He is a handsome man..i admire him a lot..he is very protective towards me .. I totally love that about him.. But sometimes its kinda drives me crazy,because according to him all boys like me..and they will ruin my life.. All of my friends,those r boys are so afraid of him that they don't come near me,when dad comes to drop me at school. This is so irritating..

Its was my birthday,when dad gave me and mom this terrible surprise that he has received a transfer order.. We were not at all happy,including dad.. He said he would try to talk to the authorities for cancellation of the transfer order.. We had no clue where he was being transfered.. We asked him but he refused to tell.. We understood that the authorities didn't approve his request,when he came home with a pale if all the colours have been drawn from his eyes and skin.. That day he told us that he has been transferred to LONDON.

Its was such a great shock.. I have spend my entire life in this state.. But I have to whole way round the world in another continent,which is completely unknown to me,rather us.. As I would be graduating from school next week,we decided to go after my graduation ceremony.

And this is how we ended up there in LONDON..

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