chap 1: ranch toast

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"Where do you keep your ranch, Tomlinson?" I mumbled to myself, my eyes scanned through the fridge while my fingers tapped the door lightly.

"Top shelf, on the right." I jumped as a voice behind me spoke, scaring the living shit out of me.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelled, turning around to find my best friend of 14 years sitting there with a smirk on his face.

"No, Riley, it's just Louis." He said sternly, trying to hide his snickers to obtain a serious face.

Scowling at his actions, I grabbed the ranch from the fridge and slammed the door shut. "Oi! Watch it! That fridge was expensive, Floyd." He hollered, quickly running towards it, kissing the door repeatedly.

"She didn't mean it, baby, I promise." He whispered, narrowing his eyes at me. "Yeah, I know. Riley is out of control nowadays."

I laughed, putting two pieces of bread in the toaster. "You're such a dork, why am I friends with you?" I jokingly asked. Louis stuck his tongue out at me and sat back down on the stool near the island table.

"Zayn should be here soon enough." Louis said, he takes out his phone to check the time. I hummed, grabbing my toast from the toaster and sat it on the plate in front of me.

"What are we going to do when he gets here?" I asked while snatching the ranch from the counter. I squirt the ranch all over the two pieces of toast.

"I think he wanted to head down to this new café that opened up last Friday." Louis answered, glancing up at me. His eyes wandered down at the toast I had taken a bite out of and his nose crinkles in disgust.

"Riley, why the fuck is there ranch on your toast?" He questioned, shaking his head.

"It tastes way better than it looks." I moaned, taking another bite out of my ranch toast. Louis stares at me blankly and then shifts his gaze back down at my ranch toast. An idea popped up in my head.

"You want some?" I asked, my lips curve up into a smirk. "I'm good."

"Here, have some." I insisted, quickly shoving the rest of the ranch toast into Louis' mouth. Louis frantically spit the ranch toast out and ran towards the sink to rinse his mouth.

I tried to supress my giggling, trust me, I tried. Although, I ended up bursting into loud laughter instead. Louis backs away from the sink and turns to glare at me. His face was fully flushed and his jaw was clenched.

"What the fuck did my taste buds ever do to you?" Louis shouted.

Just as I was about to come up with some lousy lie, the front door opened.

"Honey, I'm home!" A voice I recognized called from the front entrance. Zayn. I got out of my seat, dashing towards the front door. "Zayn!" I blurted while wrapping my arms around him. I felt so relieved. "Thank god, you're here. Louis was about to pull a quick one and pounce on me."

His body vibrated as he chuckled. "What did you do this time?" he questioned, rubbing the bottom of my back smoothly.

"The bitch poisoned me!" Louis answered, placing his hands on his hips.

"Did not." I challenged.

"Did too." He countered, sticking his tongue out for the second time today. What a child. "Enough." Zayn snapped, narrowing his eyes at me then Louis.

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