Can I Have Your Hoodie Please? // Part 3

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Patrick's POV:

They kissed.

But why?

I looked up at the sky and my vision was blurry.


I wasn't sure why they were there.

They pulled away and noticed I was standing there.

"The sky looks really beauitful today. Bright and full of colors. Don't you think so too, Y/N?"


I sat down next to her and Pete. I wiped away my tears.

"Y/N, I'll see you later." Pete got up and left.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know, Y/N."

She leaned on me. I wrapped my arm around her.

She kissed my cheek.

"You're really sweet." She mumbled.

I looked down.

"I'm not that great." I said.

"You are." She nodded and laughed.

I sighed and looked over at her.

She was in deep thoughts. The look on her face told me so.

"What?" She asked, turning toward me.

I shook my head no.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked up into the sky.

She was upset and confused.

I don't understand why she feels confused.

"Patrick, can I have another hoodie?" She asked. I just nodded and walked inside to my room. I picked out a favorite of mine.

You see, when I was little I got this Ghostbusters hoodie. It was huge on me at the time and I grew into it. It still fits me very well.

I walked downstairs and outside.

"" I mumbled and handed it to her.

She knew how special this hoodie was to me.

She held it up and hugged it to her chest.

"P-Patrick..." Y/N looked over at me.

"I know. It's my favorite and it's special to me." I sat back down next to her.

Y/N hugged me. Her arms wrapped around my neck.

She put the hoodie on and smiled.

I put my arm back around her.

"Will you walk me home?" Y/N mumbled.

I nodded and stood up.

We walked together. Y/N in jeans and oversized Ghostbusters hoodie. Me in a grey shirt and batman pajama pants, with no shoes.

I walked Y/N to her house and inside with her.


"Yep." I nodded. Y/N hugged me goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow, huh?"

"Sure will." I chuckled.

I left her house and made my way back to mine.

Pete's POV:

Now, I'm walking down the street. I texted Y/N and told her that I'm coming to her house to talk to her.

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