I'm Awkward! // Part One

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Patrick's POV:

The point is I'm awkward.

Especially around girls.

Pete has a girlfriend.

Joe has a girlfriend.

Andy has a girlfriend.

Then there is me. Awkward Patrick who can't even introduce myself in front of the classroom.

Every single day at lunch the guys would be with their girls.

How could that be fair?

I was in English when I was called down to the office.

I slowly walked down the halls, scanning all the decorated lockers.

Cheerleading, basketball, football.

I got to the office and was surprised by the guidance counselor, Mr. Rosso.

"Hello Mr. Stump. I needed to talk to you about something." He said, grabbing a folder from the front desk in the office.


"Follow me." Mr. Rosso led me back to his office and told me to take a seat across from him.

"Okay Patrick. So, we have a new student transferring here. I decided to stick her with you because your teachers have been telling me you need a little more work on social skills."

"Her?" I fidgeted nervously in my seat.

"Yes. Her name is Y/N L/N. She will be joining us tomorrow. She'll be here today after school to get a tour. Maybe you could show up? That way you can meet her ahead of time." Mr. Rosso had scheduled her to be here at 4 o'clock.

"I might be able to make it." I nodded.

"Good. It's settled then. We made your classes the same as well. I will see you tonight Patrick."

I was dismissed from his office.

This was going to be quite the nightmare.

* After School *

I made my way inside the school building again.

After going home and changing, I had my mom drop me off at the school.

Then she had to insist on coming in with me.

It seemed that Y/N wasn't at the school yet.

The principal, Mr. Rosso, and myself (accompanied by my mother, who I did not want here) sat and waited for Y/N.

I saw a woman walk in and behind her was a very pretty girl.

She must be Y/N.

I scanned her up and down, my eyes landing on her Bowie shirt.

Oh no. Oh god no.

We were wearing the same shirt.

It doesn't get much worse than that.

I hid my face behind my hands and she just looked over to the side.

"See sweety! You guys both like David Bowie! You'll get along great!" I heard her mom say.

"Mom, please. Leave. I'm fine by myself." Y/N mumbled.

Her mom agreed. As well as my own.

They both left.

"Patrick, why don't you show Y/N around? Come back when you're done."

I just nodded and walked forward.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with me." Y/N commented as we walked side by side down the halls.

"N-No. It's fine." I stuttered, turning left.

"This is our first class."

I motioned to the door.

It continued like this. I showed her all her classes.

"So, why did they make you babysit me?" Y/N questioned, messing with some thread hanging off her jeans. 

"Well, I'm awkward. Especially around girls. I just get really nervous and I stutter and ramble. It's bad." I answered, moving down a hallway.

Y/N hummed in response before stopping.

"You like Bowie then?"

I nodded.

"I like a lot of seventies and eighties stuff."

Y/N nodded, grabbing my hand.

"Then, while you have to keep track of me let's make the most of it. I promise you can drop me off the face of the Earth once I know everything." Y/N flashed a smile at me.

My stomach tied into knots.

Such a pretty smile.

This was going to be quite the adventure.

To be continued...

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