Jealous much.

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Stiles P.O.V

The next day I wake up with a muscular arm wrapped around me, I smile as I see Theo still asleep. I stretch in an exaggerating manner and check the time, eight in the morning. I kiss Theo on the cheek,

"Wake up, we've got school," I say, no response, I lean down to whisper again but he shoots up and pulls me down on top of him,

"Hey," he says, I blush,

"Hey, now come on Batman, we must go to be educated."

He grins

"Fine," I jump out if his arms and run to get dressed. I couldn't help but think why or if I really liked Theo this way. I think I so and I suppose I should..... I should move on.

"Stiles," I hear Theo say making me jump,

"Are you ready to go?" He asks, I nod and he gives me a quick kiss then we head outside to his motorcycle.

When we get into school, we were walking through the hall, his arm around my waist. I noticed Derek looking at us both with blazing red eyes. That wasn't jealousy was it? No of course not, dont be silly.

Scott and Erica's faces only showed pure shock. I headed over to them when Theo pulled me back to give me a deep kiss.

Derek's P.O.V

My teeth grinded together and my eyes were crimson red. I wanted to rip that guys throat out for kissing MY mate.

"Derek, you cant blame Theo?" Erica said, suddenly my head snapped around to face her,

"What do you mean?" I growled,

"You've only been showing hatred towards Stiles, that's why he's trying to move on," a pause and then Erica's eyes widened realising what she said,

"Stiles thinks that I hate him? And he likes me?" I ask curiously,

She turned to look at Stiles,

"He's in love with you Derek and now if you want your mate you're going to have to fight for him or just tell him the truth."

I sigh in frustration but I knew that Erica was right.

Erica's P.O.V

I gazed deeply into her chocolate coloured eyes, smirking.

"What?" Lila asks, blushing, I grin,

"Your eyes are amazing," I tell her. She stood up shaking her head, Lila has roaring red hair. A cute little bob, making her look even more enchanting. I turn her around to face me,

"They are, I promise and not just your eyes. Your entire body is beautiful, you've amazing cheekbones and I totally want those lips," I say, causing her to blush even more. I smirk,

"Can I tell you a secret?" I say desperately hoping that she wouldn't be afraid and still wants to be with me.

She nods shyly,

"Please don't freak out," I say,

"I..I wont i mean ill try not to," she said nervously, then I shifted, my eyes changing to amber. My teeth lengthen into sharp fangs and also the fur and claws obviously. I watch Lilas face carefully, it was confusion that appeared first but was then replaced by fear. I immediately shifted back.

"Dont be scared its just me, please," I say, Lila sits down on my bed, her face was pale white.


"You're .. You're a werewolf?" She asks,

"Yes....and and I.....your my mate," I finally say, she stands up quickly,

"What?" I pull her back down and explain everything feeling pretty impressed by how well she is actually taking it. She smiled sheepishly as I explained how mates worked.

"That's actually really sweet," she said, I grin and take her small hand in mine,

"If you don't want this its fine but ill never be able to have another mate," I explain

"No, I do, I've actually had a big crush on you for a while," she admitted, going bright red. She looked up at me and I pull her into my arms, I forgot to mention how small she is. I run my hands gently through her hair.

Then I lean down to kiss her, our lips crashing together and to my joy she kissed back. I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

We fell onto the bed, I was lying on top of her, we continued kissing and running our hands in each others hair but then I catch a scent, an alpha but it wasn't Derek, it was a woman.

I pull away immediately,

"What's wrong?" Lila whispers, I push her into my bathroom in my room,

"Stay here, an alpha is here and not a good one," I tell her to lock the door as I leave, she quickly pulls me back,

"Please be cared," I smile and kiss her quickly then leave my room.

"Erica, I was looking for you,' I hear her walking towards me from another room, she was smaller than I was and had a darker skin tone, her long hair was black and flowed down to her waist.

She was wearing a rose red dress that seemed a bit tight, I glare at her,

"Who are you?" I demand, flashing my amber eyes warningly, she laughs and flashes her bright red eyes.

"I'm Taylor, an alpha without a pack, you're a beta, in Derek Hales pack."

I narrowed my eyes at her, she shrugged,

" I do my research,"

I fold my arms,

"What do you want?" I say suspiciously, Taylor smiled,

"I want you to join my pack," I growl at her,

"I'm already part of a pack."

She smirks,

"I know and I want you to leave them," this time I laugh,

"That's not gonna happen. Why do you want me? There's other betas who dont even have a pack," I say sharply with suspicion again, she stepped forward,

"You're a powerful Beta, you and I could be very powerful together," she says excitedly.

"No, I am not leaving Derek's pack, they're my family," I say firmly. Taylor growls and shifts then the next thing I know I'm pinned to a wall with her claws around my throat,

"You have no choice!" She hisses angrily,

"," I choke out, she looks at me carefully, pressing her body against mine and smirks,

"You've got your mate," she croons, I growl and throw her off,

"Stay away from her or I swear I will hunt you down myself!" I snarl ferociously, Taylors eyebrows lift,

"A girl? Interesting. Well Erica it was nice meeting you but I assure you it wont b the last. I dont take kindly to refusals." Then she was gone and I let out a sound of relief.

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