Unfortunate Events.

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Derek's P.O.V

I growled in anger once Erica finished telling me what happened,

"How dare she?"

Erica places her hand on my arm, I looked at her hand then back up at her,

"I'm worries in case Lila gets caught up in this," she says, I look down.

"Don't worry Erica, there's one of her and five of us,"

"What about Scott, Theo, Ethan and Stiles?"

I pause and lean on the doorway,

"I'll call Scott," I say flatly. She rolled her eyes and lay down on the rickety sofa. I'm still thinking about Stiles, since the day he saved me in the pool I fell for him. Then a while after that I knew he was my mate.

"Derek," Isaac's voice interrupts my thoughts,

"What?" I ask,

"Jackson's gone." I snapped my head to face Isaac,

"What do yo mean gone?" I demanded, Isaac sat down next to Erica, then Boyd joined and said,

"He wasn't answering any calls or texts so Isaac and I called to his house," I nodded,

"Nobody was there, his car was there though and so was his phone."

I narrowed my eyes, Jackson usually keeps his phone on him,

"Did you catch any scents?" Boyd shook his head, Isaac stood up,

"Derek, I have a bad feeling about this," he said, I turned and walked over to the table, laying my hands down flat,

"Call Scott, tell him to bring his pack." I say then Erica stands up to say something but then thinks better of it and leaves the room.

Stiles' P.O.V

I sat down in the kitchen at Theo's place, grinning at Theo who was carrying two coffees and a plate of sandwiches,

"Let me help," I offer,

"No, no, it's fine. There!" He exclaims, setting them down. He sits opposite me and smiles. I take a sandwich and take a bite,

"Yum, very nice, Theo, you're a natural sandwich maker," I say approvingly. Theo laughs and takes a sip of hs coffee, then his phone rings,

"Sorry babe, its Scott," he stands up to answer,

"Hello?" There's murmering on the other side,

"What?! Okay but Stiles.......oh.....right.....fine. I'll drop him off home then I'll be there. Bye." He hangs up and I raise my eyebrows at him,

"Sorry but Derek wants Scott and his pack at a meeting, so we'll have to so this another time." He apologizes, I smile slightly, we've been going out for two weeks now,l just going to movies but we've decided to have a simple lunch date today but now we cant.

I sigh and smile up at him,

"No problem," I reply. Theo leans down and kisses me,

"We can re-do this after okay?" He assures me, wrapping his arms around me,

"Definitely," I say and kiss him back, Theo eventually pulls away.

"Right, come on," he pulls me up and we head out to his motorcycle. Theo lives just at the end of a forest that has a lane with overhanging branches. It's really nice flying through on this motor vehicle.

"Here's your helmet," Theo says handing it to me, then puts his own on and gets on with me following. I wrap my hands around hs waist,

"Okay?" He asks,

"Yep," I rely smiling and then it roars into life. As we start to speed down the lane, I catch a glimpse of something red between the bushes. Almost like alpha eyes but it couldn't be Scott or Derek.

I push the thought out of my he's and I realise that we're moving at a very fast speed. We sped past the trees and I notice something on the road, it looked like a fallen down tree maybe.

"Theo!" I try to warn him but the bike was too loud but obviously he saw it and tried to swerve. But he lost control of th bike and it hit something

I heard Theo yelling but then the bike flipped over and tumbled until everything went black.

Theo's P.O.V

It was too hard to avoid and as I swerved I lost control of the stupid thing and it went flying, the first thing I yelled was,

"Stiles!" Then CRASH!!!!

My eyes opened and I immediately groaned in pain, but I didn't care I'll be fine all my wounds would heal but Stiles. Oh god it was a terrible crash.

I stand up and hiss in pain, my leg looked broken but I could feel the process of healing happening. I could smell a lot of blood and swore as I realised it was Stiles'.

"Stiles!" I yell, again wincing. I rub my face and then looked at my hand seeing blood. I shook my head. Then I saw Stiles.

"Oh god, no Stiles!" I ran over to him. What I saw was nasty, the was one hell of a crash.

There was so much blood, his head had a very serious gash that was very open and blood was flowing down his beautiful face.

There was a lot of bad cuts and bruises covering him, his leg was very swollen.

I run my hand through my hair, phone 911 you idiot. I quickly look for my phone but saw it was completely shattered, Stiles had left his phone at home. There was one thing that I could think off, call Scott, my alpha.

So I shifted and let out a heart wrenching and ear piercing howl.

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