The Date?

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Please let me know what you think so far in the comments :) hmm this picture looks familiar haha

Stiles P.O.V

I unlocked my front door and entered the silent house of mine, my dad was sent to California for a 'secret' assignment that he wouldn't tell me about.

I ran up to my room to pick out my best superhero top.

"Where are you going?" A deep familiar voice asked causing my heart to stop

"Um nowhere." I quickly said, Derek raised one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows,


I sighed and raise my hands,

"Fine I'm going to the movies, is that a problem?" He frowned and I look away,

"With who?"

"Why do you care?" Derek growled,

"Who are you going to the movies with, Stiles!" My eyes widen,

"Theo! Okay? Why does it matter?"

Derek glares at me,

"Why are you going on a date with him?" He demanded,

"Its not a date," I reply quietly, then I do something that I immediately regret after,

"I'm sorry Derek but can you just go, I need to get dressed anyway."

He sighed angrily and stormed out. I ran a hand through my hair, tears slipping down my face, then my phone dings, a text from Theo, I smile and read it.

I'll pick you up at 6:00pm see ya soon!- Thep.

I checked the time, saying it was five thirty. I went to get a shower and then dress myself. By the time I had finished Biology homework it was six and the doorbell rang.

I opened it eagerly, Theo was standing there with a dazzling smile plastered on his face, he was wearing a black shirt which made him look hotter also matching his denim jeans.

"Hey," he said,

"Hey," I say quietly, he holds out his hand for me to take. I close and lock the door and take Theo's hand. My eyes widened when I saw his sleek black motorcycle with two helmets. Theo squeezed my hand,

"Are you okay? If you feel uncomfortable riding this then we could call a cab,"

I smile gratefully,

"No, its fine," he hands me a helmet,

"All right, hold on tight okay?" He put on his helmet and hopped on, I did the same and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly,

"Okay?" He asks, I nod and he starts the bike, it roars into life.

"Oh god," I murmur and bury my head into Theo's shirt. The beast flew across town until we eventually arrived outside the movie theatre.

"Whew, thank god that's over," I say jumping off, Thep laughed,

"Come on it's not that bad," he whined.

"Fine, it wasn't but it still scared the hell out of me," I exclaimed, Theo put his arm around me,

"You'll get used to it, now come on," we headed inside, bought the tickets and some popcorn.

"Stiles?" A familiar voice sounded, I spun around to see Isaac,

"Oh heyy, Isaac," I greet, panning out the 'y'.

"Why are you here?" He blurted, Theo's eyes narrowed,

"Is there something wrong with going out to see a movie?"

Isaacs face changed,

"Sorry," then he moved away and Theo took my hand as we headed into the movie room.

"I dont think he likes me," he said, rubbing the back of his neck,

"I'm sure he does, Isaac is pretty cool but he can be a bit rude at times," I manage to say. We take our seats and turned our phones off. Then the movie started. For the entire film my jaw was on the floor and I was at the edge of my seat, I very nearly fell off. At one point I accidently hit my face off the sear on front of me.

When the movie ended, I stood up and applauded frantically. That was the best movie that I have seen yet,

Theo laughed,

"I take it you liked it, huh?" He asked as we walked out of the screening room,

"Hell yeah!" I reply excitedly, we both stop as we reach his motorcycle, his eyes flashed amber as he watched me, making me curious again,

"Theo, who's pack are you part of?" Hoping that he wouldn't say Derek's, although I with I was with Derek at this very second, but I do like Theo.

"Scott's, I thought you knew that?" He replied,

"Nope, nobody tells me anything anymore," I say, even Derek had stopped inviting me to the pack meetings. I let a few tears fall, I look away quickly.

Theo gently tilted me face towards him and wiped the tears from my face then leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened but I kissed back and I could feel him smiling, a few minutes later he pulled away.

"You okay?" He asked, I was smiling like an idiot and nodded then he handed me the helmet and we got on ti his motorcycle. Once again I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and we took off back to my house.

When we reached my house and got off I said,

"I hope you let me ride with you more often, Theo, riding with you makes me feel safe surprisingly," Thep laughed ,

"Sure," and then he stepped closer to me,

"Are you on your own?" He asked curiously,

"Sure am," I laugh nervously, he put his hand on my cheek and kisses me again, deeply and softly. I kissed back and then we are both in my house kissing passionately  until we fall asleep.

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