Birth of My Pureblood Mate

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Almost Three centuries have gone by since that day, and not a day goes by where I don't miss my father. The world has changed dramatically in three centuries. I made my way to Styria with the help of a traveling merchant named Hans. I made my way to Alexander's castle and got an immediate audience with him. Next thing I know, contrary to what I told the King when I first met him, I joined his Guard. Over the years, he has used me in many battles and many, many missions. Every time I was successful, the king would reward me with gifts and riches, but I found no use for them. Perhaps it was my lack of emotion that made me so effective for the king's use; I haven't felt anything since I found my father murdered. I am in my study, surrounded by dusty books, read many years ago and now useless to me as I wait to hear from Alexander for my next mission. I have become one of the King's most trusted Guard members, making me invaluable. There have been more and more missions as of late because the Queen was with child, due any day now. There is a knock on my door and I answer it promptly; there is a lowly soldier panting, out of breath, at my door. I stare at him silently as he gathers his breath, regaining his composure.

"The King requires your presence in his chambers, immediately."

I could tell this was not good. I push past the soldier and run to Alexander's chambers. I hate it when soldiers stand in my way, he should be thankful I didn't cut him down where he stood. The only reason I didn't was because it would slow me down. My quarters were set up to be right next to the king, so it didn't take me long to enter his chambers and be announced by one of his servants.

"Lord Dacre is here, your majesty."

As I look around, the mood in the room is negative, sad. The King looks near death, and the Queen looks labored and tired, holding a bundle as tears slowly make their way down her cheeks. Alexander looked up at me with a look of extreme sadness before he stands and approaches me.

"It's a girl, Alexandria; she's not doing well, doctor's say she's not going to survive the night and there's nothing they can do. Go, look upon my daughter."

I nodded and approached the bedside of Livia and looked upon the baby. She looked sickly and weak, near death. For the first time in almost three hundred years, I felt emotion. God, I wish I didn't, because it hurt. It was sadness; sadness like when I lost my father. Finally, I gathered up the strength to speak to Livia.

"Is there anything I can do for you, your majesty?"

Before the queen could speak, the baby stirred and opened her eyes. She looked right at me and did something that shocked the entire room. She smiled and cooed at me. Alexandria, the baby princess of our world, near death a minute ago, is now full of life and staring straight at me and smiling. My heart began to feel a different emotion: Joy. how my heart lifted seeing the baby being brought back from near death.

"Stay, Dacre. Stay here with us. Never leave my daughter."

The king approached me from behind and clasped his hand on my shoulder.

"Those are your orders. From now on, you will watch over my daughter and protect her by any means necessary."

I nodded in acceptance of my mission. How I hated babysitting missions with a passion, I'd usually delegate any missions of the sort to the lower soldiers. But this one, This one I couldn't bring myself to delegate it to another, I wouldn't delegate it to another. This baby, this little girl, would be my charge until the end itself.

The king's servants were quick to make changes to my quarters and the king and queen's chambers. Along with arranging a space for the newborn princess's sleeping crib and other supplies, I have been moved from next door to the royal chambers, to inside the royal chambers. I was placed to sleep next to Alexandria's crib, and the crib to be beside Livia's side of their bed. Luckily, in terms of doing my duty, I am a light sleeper; nothing can sneak up on me. Unfortunately for me, that meant I awoke to even the slight sound of the King, the Queen, or the newborn princess movements. However, I never need much sleep. The first night was the longest, Livia and Alexander woke every few minutes to check on Alexandria, who slept for most of the time. The doctors and nurses came in to check on her every couple hours and wake the queen to feed Alexandria, which I gave the queen her privacy to do so by turning my gaze away; I never left the room, however, per Alexander's orders. Once Livia was done feeding Alexandria, they both went back to sleep and the doctors left, taking notes. After about an hour went by, I was awakened by the sound of movement from Alexandria's crib; I look and see a small, tiny hand sticking up in the air, almost calling me over. I did so silently and slowly looked into the crib and saw the newborn princess looking right back at me. She locked eyes with me for what felt like an eternity before she smiled at me and went back to sleep.

"She is the best thing to happen to this world..."

I looked up to see the queen had awakened as well, I gave a bow of my head, agreeing with her quiet statement. Could she sense that her daughter made me able to feel emotion for the first time in almost three centuries? I tried as hard as I could to hide it, but I suspect that the king and queen noticed a change in me. I feared that if I began to feel, I could no longer be as effective at my duties.

"Your majesty, I..."

Livia was quick, yet quiet, to cut me off with a shush before I could confess that I was feeling emotion again.

"To feel emotion is proof that you are still alive; it is one of very few ways we can prove our lives are not over after we turn..."

She knew. Dammit, she knew. But she doesn't show any sign of worry about my effectiveness of protecting her daughter; in fact, she seems happy that I feel again. Does the King know? Does he worry? The queen gave me a small smile, a sign of thank you, before laying back down.

"Thank you for saving my daughter, Dacre..."

Before I could reply that I didn't do anything to save Alexandria, the queen was asleep. Why does she think I am responsible for saving her daughter's life? I only asked the queen what I could do for her and her daughter perked up. That could've been lucky timing, or does the queen have an unseen bond with her daughter that told her that I saved the princess in some way? The rest of the night, however short, was uneventful until morning.

A/N: Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in almost two months, but I'm working on it. Trying to make it not suck. Next chapter will be the following day, and let me tell you, it'll be tense.

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