The Town

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You chewed on the metal arm utterly bored. "___...." Kid frowns catching you again. "Why do you chew on everything?"

"Keep them sharp..." You answer, tongue feeling over your fangs.

"Here ___, I brought you some milk." Killer rumbles giving you a glass with a straw. You sit up, drinking it up swiftly with a happy hum.

"Killer see if we have any bones for her to chew on she makes me uneasy when she chews on metal- don't chew on the glasses either!" Kid gasps carefully taking the glass out of your mouth. "That's so much worse."

"I'll go look, I'm sure there's something." Killer pats your head. Kid coughs again and you both pause. You sniff at him, getting close.

"What?" He huffs leaning away.

"You're sick. Go die." You frown. He gaps at you for a few moments.

"It's not die, it's sleep ___!" He says.

"Right. Go sleep." You nudge him.

"No I have to-" You huff and pick him up. "Put me down! I'm so much bigger than you!" He objects turning red.

"You're sick, you either sleep or... Or.... Drown!" You tell him carrying him to his room.

"That doesnt make any sense!" He says as you put him on the bed, removing his boots. "You can't tell me what to do dammit! I'm the captain!" He scoffs. You frown at him and cup his face.

"You stop. I want you healthy." You murmur. Kid's lips quiver as he tries to think of a response, blushing lightly from your touch. "I... I.." You frown trying to think of the words to say how you felt, but they didn't come. Finally you just sigh and rub your cheek against his forehead. "Please."

"... Fine... I'm tired anyway." He grumbles laying back. You smile a bit at that.

"I will pick up doctor and he will make you feel all better soon!" You chime and lick his forehead. He blushes more at that trying to hid his face.

"Okay okay." He mutters, you smile and head back out getting the doctor and sending him to Kid's room.

"Hey ___, you want to come with us to town when we dock?" Killer asks leaning on the railing.

"What's a town?" You ask hopping onto the railing and going over to him.

"It's where a lot of people gather to live." He tells you. You frown uneasily at that.

"I don't know..." You look down touching your cheek consciously.

"Don't worry, no one will mess with you, and besides, we need to get you some things too." Heat rumbles.

"You do?" You tilt your head.

"Yeah, you need more clothes, maybe a weapon, something to chew on..." Killer name's off a few.

"Okay then, I will go with you." You smile.

You felt nervous as the ship docked, getting on all fours and staying near Killer's leg. His fingertips brush between your shoulders helping put you at ease. The crew going out crowd around you as you and Killer head off. You stay close to Killer's leg peering around carefully through your skull mask. The people seemed to cower and avoid the group. A painter catches your eye, painting quietly with a smile. You move ahead peering at his work curiously. You move the mask up and sniff at the paints curiously.

"Oh, hello there, would you like me to paint you?" He greets smiling.

"Paint?" You echo curiously.

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