Epilogue 7

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Author's Note; For continuity and simplicity let's say that Cap survives this Civil War and ends up in Wakanda.


I've given the Avengers' command to your brother and have found myself and our team a safe haven with T'Challa.

Meet me?


We'd gotten used to using the dead drop but with Steve having to move out of the country, it was no longer viable.

The flight to New York was easy enough with my new passport and a change of clothes to blend in once I arrived but seen as I was there I wanted to call in on my brother but getting into the tower could pose a problem.

* * * * * *

Arriving in New York I took a cab from the airport to a block away from the Tower. I pulled my trench coat around me tighter before taking a seat at the café below the Tower and ordering a drink. I pulled a book out of my bag to use as cover while I concentrated on my telepathy.

High alert? It's been a while now. This is pointless they're not going to come here.

Security guard, bingo. I searched his mind for any new protocols, Tony'd added the precaution of a retinal scan before entering the building. Walking through the front door wasn't an option then, I could fly up but no doubt the Iron Legion would attack this wasn't a good idea either.

''Hello little sis.'' The words pulled me out of my own head and back into the real world.

I looked up to see Tony in his business suit with a couple of coffees in hand, ''Is this seat taken?''

''No, but why would Tony Stark want to sit with me?'' I asked innocently with a British accent as the scarf and coat hide my other distinguishing features.

''You can fool everyone else but not me. I've been fooling people my entire life,'' he stated sitting down. ''Blonde suits you, Liz.''

''Well I'm glad you and Steve can agree on that at least.'' I said bitterly dropping the accent.

''I'm sorry we put you in that situation, made you chose I mean.'' Tony said sincerely.

''I understood you had to do what you thought was right,'' I sighed. ''Even if it meant putting my fellow mutants behind bars just because they were born different, but thank you for not coming after me personally.''

''I needed to respect your decision to stay out of it, even if I didn't like it,'' he took a slurp of coffee. ''I'm glad you're alright.''

''Me too,'' I smiled. ''Tony, I need you to know. I didn't chose a side.''

''I already knew that when you didn't fight against me.'' He stated, ''I have my sources.''

''In other words the Professor.'' I laughed and shook my head.

''Noooo,'' He said sarcastically, I couldn't help but love him we were family after all and the Avengers they needed both of them.

''Tony I'm going to meet Steve. Please come with me, I want you and him to talk.'' As soon as I mentioned Steve all of the laughter went from Tony's face.

''Liz...'' He shook his head, looking down.

''Please try.'' I got up and left money on the table for my drink which I left untouched. I pulled my scarf up over my head of blonde hair, obscuring my face so I didn't have to stick to blind spots and slipped away in the flow of New Yorkers.

I took my phone out and rang Ororo as the new Queen of Wakanda she could get me in without causing an international incident. We skipped the small talk,

''Hello Ororo, can you get me into Wakanda?''

''Of course but we'll have to fly in ourselves. They've tightened the security of the borders since the passing of the previous Black Panther.'' She stated.

''I understand, I'll meet you at the mansion?'' I asked.

''No, I'm at the Wakandan Embassy in New York, for the next few days. I'll let security know you're cleared.'' She said.

''Thanks.'' I was only a little walk away from the embassy but I decided to detour and give Ororo time.

When I arrived at the embassy I was escorted to the roof where Ororo greeted me.

''I'm glad to see you avoided the conflict.''

''It's good to see you did too,'' I said forming my uniform.

''Ready?'' She asked.

''Let's fly.'' I replied picking up my bag and diving off the roof.

* * * * * *

We arrived in Wakanda at nightfall, most of the structure were made of glass and steel. They gleamed in the moonlight like they were glowing themselves. There were a few window lit up from inside of the main skyscrapers that were clustered around what I assumed was the palace.

''This place is amazing,'' I gasped. I'd heard tales of Wakanda the suburban metropolis in the middle of Africa, the most technologically advanced place on Earth.

Ororo just smiled

''It' home.''

''I've set up chambers for you in the palace, are you going to tell me why you needed to be here?'' She asked curiously.

'''I'm sure your husband will fill you in.'' I winked. We landed on the palace roof where T'Challa met Ororo fondly, ''I'll see myself to my rooms.'' On my way downstairs I marvelled at the architecture; ancient and modern at the same time. I was starring at the ceiling when I bumped into Steve.

''Umm...hey.'' He said scratching the back of his neck, he was nervous.

''Hi Steve, are you here to show me to my room?'' I smiled.

''Sure,'' he turned away. I took his hand,

''Hey, wait. Aren't you going to give me a kiss first?''

''Sure,'' he gave me a peck on the cheek.

''What's wrong?''

''Nothing.'' He said but there was something there.

''Seriously, what is it?'' I asked entwining my fingers with his.

''Why aren't you angry with me?'' He said looking down at our hands. I brought his hand up to my cheek and lent on it and his knuckles which were still a little bruised and scraped.

''Steve I love you. I'm not angry with you because I have no need to be, I would have stood by you if it was a possibility, but it wasn't I couldn't sway the balance.'' I explained.

''I love you too,'' he said putting his arm around my shoulders and kissing my forehead, ''Come on, I'll show you to our room.'' He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, but I didn't want to push him further. 

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