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Chapter 12
Warning: this chapter has a lot to do with depression. If you think it might trigger something, skip over this chapter please. If you need to know, just message me. Please. Thank you.

Cassie's P.OV
My dad brought me to the mansion and carried me up to a room.
"Thank you." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I didn't want to fall asleep, because of the nightmares. I hated seeing that side of me, not that I could tell anyone. They wouldn't understand.

"Dad?" I said a little louder. He looked at me surprised. I hadn't called him dad in a while, at least not genuinely. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep? Please?"

"Of course my love." He says and walks over to me. He sits next to me and waits until I doze off.


I woke up to a pit in my stomach. I haven't fed in days, and there are no blood bags in this mansion. Figures. I don't feel comfortable with feeding on humans, because of those dreams, so I go to the woods and wonder around. I don't see any animals in sight. Ugh, did Stefan eat them all?

I continue to walk around until I get to the creepy witch house. How did I end up here? I start to turn back around when I heard someone in there. I contemplate on whether or not I should go in.

I sigh and walk into the house. It was eerily silent, so like any horror movie cliche, I go further into the house. I walk into the basement to see Stefan.

"Stefan?" I asked. He turned around, surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"What are you doing here?" I copy, avoiding the question. He grabs my arm and starts to pull me away. "Hey!" I snapped and threw him off of me. He landed with a thud. I walked over to him, but something stopped me. I couldn't move.

"What the?" I ask, trying to move but failing. That's when my ring stopped working and I started to burn. It wouldn't kill me, but it hurt. A lot. Stefan gave me a worried look. I heard faint whispering.

"Monster." They repeated over and over. It got louder and louder until it was all that I could hear. I grabbed my head and fell to my knees. Images started flashing in my head. It was me, 50 years before Katerina. I had flipped the switch, and I was a ripper. I killed thousands of people, I was worse than Stefan.

"Get out of my head!" I yelled at the witches, but they didn't stop. "I'm sorry." I whispered as tears streamed down my face. I blacked out from all the pain.


When I awoke, Stefan was kneeling next to me. I groaned and started to get up.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"An hour or so." He said. A wave of worry washes over his face, but it soon fades. "You need to leave. Now." He said pushing me out the door.

"Thanks for your hospitality." I yelled at him before walking away. I wasn't hungry anymore, I was angry at myself for letting me become that monster.

I ran into the woods, tears threatening to spill. I found myself in a field. I sat down and drowned in my thoughts. I hated what I was. I hated who I was. I used to be so innocent, so pure, but I let myself become this monster I don't even recognize. Tears were now
streaming down my face. Why was I like this? One minute I'm fine and the next I'm a complete mess. I would do anything just to be a normal person with a normal life. Someone that doesn't need to kill to survive. Someone who lives, has their ups and downs, and dies. Someone who's life had a purpose. I was no one. No one would remember me, not in a good way. I couldn't do anything of significance due to the fact that I never age.

I stopped crying after what seemed like forever. I got up and made my way back to the witch house. I had to see what Stefan was doing there. I stopped when I heard yelling. It was the Salvatores. I saw them fighting, Damon staked Stefan in the stomach. He stood up and stared at me, taking in my appearance. My clothes were dirty, due to the fact that I was sitting on the dirt, and my eyes were red and puffy from crying. And my hair, oh don't get me started on my hair.

"Cassie-" Damon started.

"Stop Damon." I said. Stefan pulled out the stake and made a run for it. Damon sighed.
"I'm sorry Cassie-" he said. I put up my hand to stop him, but he doesn't care. "I need you-"
"Stop Damon!" I yelled. "You don't need me. I get it, okay? You pick Elena over me. I mean why wouldn't you? She's beautiful, pure, full of light. She's everything that I want to be, everything that you need. Sure she can be a bit selfish and annoying, but you look over that."

"She's not annoying. Or selfish." He snapped.

"See what I mean? You love her Damon." I said, emphasizing the 'her'. "You don't need me." I whisper, "No one needs me." And with that I turned around and ran away. The words 'No one needs me' repeating in my head.

I go to the mansion and change my clothes. My phone rings.

"Hello?" I said, my voice cracking. It was Marcel, and he could tell that I was upset.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"No. But I'll get over it." I said honestly. I clear my throat. "What do you need?"

"It's okay Cass. I'll-"

"No. It's okay, I need to take my mind off of this. What is it?"

"I need you back in New Orleans. We have a witch problem."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." I say as I hang up. I sigh and pack up. It looks like I'm going back to New Orleans
Authors note:
Aww poor Cassie. I hated writing this, but this helps justify her reasons in the future.
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