Ch.12 Rejection

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Allison's POV

Why do I have to be seatmates with this hoodie girl? I argued mentally.

There are lots of section but we ended up being classmates because Missy and the elites requested for it. The Incident in the registration where she found Rosa's Albino rat and Missy's hero nonsense made her the apple of the eye of the elites.

The teacher made us introduce ourselves one by one and the hoodie girl is the first one to be called.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Salt Hastings

"Hmm, so that's her name" I mumbled while resting my face on my palm.

I stood up immediately when she's done because it's my turn, I just said my obvious name and told them my invented hobbies. It took us an hour for the introduction to be finished, again I feel sleepy.

"Okay class, your seat will be permanent so be sure to make friends with your seatmates because if not, good luck with your Exams" the teacher joked, everybody laughed except me. I don't need to be friends with anyone, I can pass the exam and quizzes without anyone's help.

I frowned when I noticed Salt smirking like a retard. I hate to see her stupid smirking face so I poked her, now that we're classmates I need to be good to her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, why?" she replied smiling.

She's the stupid version of Cassy, but I must admit that she's beautiful in her own way.

"Nothing, anyway please take care of me now" I said dismissing our conversation.

"Yes! Don't worry I will" she replied excitedly. I frowned upon hearing her immediate response.

What is this stupid girl saying?

"Huh?" was all I said.

"I said yes, I will take care of you" she repeated. I laughed upon realizing the she still doesn't know the acknowledgement spill in our school.

"You're supposed to say please take care of me too, that's our traditional way of saying that you acknowledge me to be your seatmate" I explained patiently.

"Ah oh I see. Yes...yes please take care of me too" She chuckled to hide her embarrassment.

I smiled at her before I returned my focus to the teacher.

"Hey" I frowned when Salt whispered to me. I want to ignore her but I feel like she won't stop till she gets my attention.

I looked at her plastering my smile again.

"You're not taking notes" She said while pointing to the board.

"So are you" I replied simply.

Why the hell you care!

"I don't have to, because I have this" she said pointing to her head.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her, she's obviously trying to impress me but it's only adding to the annoyance that I am feeling towards her.

"Oh that's nice"

"Me too" I added while pointing to my head as well.

Burned! I smirked in victory when she fell silent. No matter what she do or say, she can never impress me.

I rejoiced when the  bell rang.

"Okay class see you after an hour" the teacher said before immediately leaving.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now