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Dear Addison,
I know its hard living alone in New York, but you won't have to for long. I've decided to stay her in Bolivia and continue what I've started in the orphanage, so you'll be moving in with your dad. The plane leaves at 9:00am Saturday July 17th, so don't miss it. I'm selling the house, so if you miss your flight, you'll be out of a home and bed to sleep in. As far as my stuff goes, grandma is coming to get it, and I'm sure grandpa wouldn't mind helping you pack whenever they get there. I miss you a lot baby girl and I'm so sorry I had to do this to you. Your dad is super excited though, so it should be fun. Just remember that my number is reachable 24/7. I love you a bunch! Oh yeah, and one more thing. Stay out of trouble. I know where your dad lives and the last thing I want is for you to end up like him. He's a loser. Here's your dad's number in case you need it:
Richard Nickel- (678) 555-0291
So remember, behave, study hard, don't do drugs, and stay away from boys.
Lots of love,
Xoxo- mom

"Whale Fuck." This will be fun. Addison shook her head, going to her room and packing up all she could in a few suitcases. She had a total of 7 suitcases, which were filled with everything from clothes to books and then jewelry, stuffed animals, and a few other heart things.

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