Stealing Kisses

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I wake up at 12:00, and lay in bed for a few moments. Do I really wanna go to this party? My bedroom door flung open and I was greeted by Justin and a few other strangers. "About time you woke up." I glared at Justin and rolled my eyes, then rolled back over.
"You sure she can do it?"
"I don't think she looks like the type."
"Too lazy."
Justin cleared his throat and sat beside me, "Princess, you have to get out of bed. Justin brought friends over that may be interested in hiring you."
I open one eye and he smiles. I groan and sit up, "I don't need a new job though."
"But you need more money, right? So you can get out of this tiny ghetto and away from your dad?''
"I mean, it'd be nice, but what exactly am I doing?"
"You'll see at the party tonight." Justin smiles brightly and I roll my eyes, looking at the three strangers standing in front of my bed. One girl and two guys.
"Who are you guys?"
They look at each other and the skinnier guy holds out his hand, "The names Jesse Blackwell, and this is my friend Kelly and my girl friend Sunshine."
They wave and I nod, shaking Jesse's hand, "you can call me Big J. Everyone does." I look at his skinny figure and laugh.
"Okay, I think I'll stick with Jesse." He nods and shrugs. His friend Kelly was eying me suspiciously and I raised an eyebrow at the guy, "You good pal?"
He nods, snapping back into reality from wherever he just came from. His dark hair was messy and his green eyes sat almost heavily in his head. He wasn't okay, looks like he crashing from a high.
Justin looks at his friends and ushers them out, "let's give her time to look pretty for you guys, alright? I promise things will start looking up. She sure knows how to clean up." He gives me a glare and I get out of bed as he shuts the door.

I immediately text Charlie to come over and make sure he parks away from my dads house. I also told him to sneak through my window so Justin or dad don't see him. I walk into my closet and pull out some tops, picking a quarter length sleeved maroon shirt with lace sleeves and back, and decided not to swear anything under it. Before I could pick out bottoms, there was a knocking on my window.
I opened it carefully and helped Charlie climb in. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I missed you." He said, almost whispering. I blush and brush some of his hair back, then kiss his forehead, "I know."

I open my dresser drawers and pick out a black miniskirt, and change.
"Your ass looks good."
I almost fall over when I remember Charlie's in the room. I put the skirt on and turn to face him, coming nose to nose with him. He smiled and I looked down, not wanting a kiss from him. He lifted my chin and I was even more red now. But I still don't want his-
And we were kissing, practically melting into each other. He pulled my close and ate hungrily at my lips. He sat on my bed and pulled me onto his lap, still kissing me. His hands went under my shirt and up my back; I was dead.
"Slow down." I say, pulling away, but being tugged back in. He kissed me harder and I kissed back, wanting it, but not wanting it at the same time. "Charlie." I almost moan as he starts kissing down my neck. He pulls away finally and I'm left breathless.
I stand up shakily, fixing my shirt and skirt. He's watching me get ready and I apply my makeup, careful not to mess up. As soon as I apply my final step, I turn and look at Charlie, who's smiling.
''What?" I ask, and he just shakes his head. I sigh and look at my phone seeing its almost two.
"I gotta go, don't I?"
I nod and hug him tightly, knowing he's severely late for work. He kissed my neck again and then down into my collarbone. I bit my lip and sighed. "Bye Charlie."
He smiled and climbed out my window.
I finished my hair up and opened my bedroom door, walking into the living room. Kelly raised his eyebrows, Jesse gave a low whistle, and Sunshine smiled, nodding. Justin stood, grinning. "Didn't I tell you guys every princess needs time getting ready?"
They laugh and pour drinks. Kelly offers me one and I take it, smelling it cautiously. "Its Yeager and coke." I say, and Sunshine nods.
I walk to the kitchen and Justin comes up behind me. "Drink it, its not drugged. Plus it'll make the party better. Everyone loves a girl with a buzz." He seductive voice carried into my ears and sent shivers down my spine. Next thing I know, I'm drinking the fiery liquid. Justin smiles, "see? I'll take care of you, show you the ropes. Just try and keep up, alright city girl?"
I couldn't say no. So I nodded and walked back into the living room.

I didn't have any more drinks since someone aside from Justin might need to drive. I kept my eyes on Justin, but every now and then, my eyes would wander to Kelly, who would always be looking at what seemed like my legs. They'd wander to Sunshine, who never spoke a word but to entertain Jesse's ideas, and them they'd land on Jesse, who would always be glancing at me every now and again, as if to check to see if I'm still alive.
"You guys ready to hit the party?" Justin stands and stretches, helping me up. I take his arm involuntarily and he guides me out the door. "Just act natural, and everyone will love you."

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