Chapter 13- Not Mutual

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I woke up to my annoying alarm. I look at the time, it was 6 am , we had to be at the airport in a bit since we were leaving at 8 am.

I picked up the clothes that I left on the chair last night and went to the bathroom and put it on. I was wearing some black leggings, a large hoodie that said "Property Of Nash Grier On it" and some white high top converse. I put my hair in a messy bun, for make up I just put on concealer, and mascara.

I got out of my room since I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to take out some of my clothes from the drying machine thingy.

"What are you doing up so early?" I hear Joel Say

"I'm Gonna go get my last set of clothes to pack since Im leaving in a bit y tu?" I ask him

"Same, getting ready Im leaving in a bit too" he tells me with a small smile

"Aw that sucks" I tell him walking towards him

"you never gave me your number" he tells me

I put my hand out, he takes his phone outta his back pocket and puts it in my hand

"Um your password?" I tell him looking at his lockscreen which was a picture of him and his momma

"1111" he tells me

"you better change that" I tell him with a chuckle as I unlock his phone

I went to contacts and added my number

"Here" I tell him giving him his phone back with a smile

"Well I'll see you soon" he tells me with a shy smile

"Yes, see you soon and goodluck! hope you get to be in the liveshows" I tell him

I hugged him and then proceed to get my clothes from the laundry room


We were now sitting in a bench in the airport

"So...Any cute boys?" Richard asks me

"Richard? what the hell is wrong with you?" I tell him taking a sip from my stabucks

"Im just trying to have a conversation with you" he tells me

"Well yes Richard, Actually All of them were pretty cute" I tell him

"See theres more in the world than just david" Yashua tells me

"Shut up yashua" I tell him

"Yo, Im saying the truth" he tells me as they called us to go to the gate


In the plane I was sitting with Richard and yashua was behind us sitting next to this random lady

I took my phone out and went on instagram

"@erickbriancolon just followed you" I read, I followed him back

he then started liking all my pics, I smiled and then went to his profile

"People you should follow" I read and then I read some usernames, I followed Joel, Sebastian, Jose Antonio, Chistopher, Zabdiel, Nickie Jon, Alan, Kevin, Aaron, Johann, Yoandri, Joshua, & Jaime, "hopefully they follow me back" I whisper

"What?" Richard asks

"Nada" I tell him turning my phone off

"Hopefully my mom lets me come to the all the liveshows" I tell richard

"shut up what If I don't make it?" he tells me

"Who said I was coming for you?" I tell him

"oh wow" he tells me faking a sad face

"im kidding and of course youre gonna make it, youre amazing,i bet youre even gonna be one of the five boys that win" I tell him

"hopefully" he says with a smile


"Get up" I heard Richard said as he yawned

I open my eyes, we were back home


we were walking and then some girl asked Richard for a picture,

"Can you two get in the picture too?" the girl asked us

"yes, of course" yashua says

"I look like absolute shit" I tell yashua as we get in the picture

"Look at you!" I hear someone say

I turn around and see Jennifer

"Ahh" I scream as I hug her

Behind her was my dad, my momma, my little brother Dairan and David

"we have to talk" I tell Jennifer as I let her go I quickly hug my parents, then Dairan and last but of course not least david

"Why haven't you been answering me?" He asks me

"I've been busy, didn't have time to call you back" I tell him as I hug him and kiss his cheek

the whole family was hugging and all that

"How were the boys?" Jennifer asked me

"To die for" I tell her

"specially this one boy named Erick, he's gorgeous" I tell her

"Damn girl calm down, You got david" she tells me

"About that...Im not really feeling it anymore" I tell her

"Feeling what?" she asks me confuse

"Me and david" I whisper

david was talking to dairan btw

"oh so are you gonna dump him?" She asks me

"I dont know, should I?" I ask herr

"I honestly think you should give it some time, I mean you guys have been apart for a long time and well if you give it some time and youre still not feeling it well then you should just break up with him, I mean you cant force things that aren't meant to be" she tells me

I was about to answer her when I felt my pone vibrate, it was a text from Erick "Hola Ariana" I read. a smile formed on my face

"Ok? who was that from and why are you smiling? this person must be why youre not feeling it anymore" she tells me

"It's Erick..." I tell her smiling






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