Chapter 1

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3 weeks. It's been 3 weeks since my parents decided to uproot our whole lives to move across the world to Sydney, Australia because my dad got offered a huge promotion. My parents said it was just "an amazing opportunity that they just couldn't pass up."

So now I'm 16,702 miles away from the only place I've ever known and stuck in a foreign country. Alone. I miss all my friends, my boyfriend, I miss everything, I just miss home, and that's something this place will never be.

I sigh as I press the end button on my phone when I hear Jacobs voicemail for the 5th time today. Either he was busy or he was just ignoring me, and judging by the fact we've just had another fight last night about the move, I'm gonna assume he's ignoring me. He was acting like I had a choice in all this. Like I would rather be here, miserable then back home with him. After almost 3 years together, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than in his arms. I'd done everything under the sun to try and convince my parents to let me stay and finish out school in North Carolina, but they refused, not wanting to leave their 17 year old daughter in another country unsupervised.

"Mom said to tell you breakfast is done." My older brother, Seth tells me poking his head into my room.

"Not hungry." I turn to see him propped up against the door.

"Oh come on Mad, what's wrong?" He walks over and sits next to me on the edge of the bed.

"I wanna go home." I mumble.

"This place isn't that bad." He tries to comfort me.

"Tell that to my boyfriend." I wipe away a tear as I feel it run down my cheek.

"Jacob is a douche." He says without thought.

"Why, I thought you liked him?" I question him, laughing a little.

"Nobody is good enough for my baby sister." He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"I love you, punk." He says pushing me.

"I love you too." I giggle.

"Hurry up and I'll drive you to school." He shouts, leaving the room.

Seth is two years older than me but we've always been close. Especially since growing up, both of our parents worked 6 days a week, 24 hours a day. Its always been just the two of us. He's my best friend, thank god I didn't have to leave him behind either or I don't know how I'd make it.

"Good morning sweetie, want some pancakes?" I completely ignore my mother's attempt to speak to me as I go straight out the door and into the car.

"You know, eventually you're gonna have to talk to them." Seth laughs as he climbs into the drivers seat.

Neither of us say anything on the short 10 minute drive, both of us just jamming along to the radio. Green day to be specific.

"Ya know, they could have sent you there." He points to the public school across the street. A variety of students going in and out of the building.

That was the one thing I wouldn't budge on. If I wanted to graduate top of my class and go to Duke then I would need to go to a school with excellent academics. So they put me in the private school, Hilton Academy. It was a great school so far. Challenging classes, and I'm already making a few friends.

"Bye, thanks for the ride. Tell mom and dad I'm going to the library after school so I'll be home late." I yell and wave as he pulls out of the parking lot.

Teegan, one of the girls I talk to in my AP Chemistry class smiles and motions for me to come over.

The day went by relatively quick. Believe it or not I actually liked studying. As weird as that sounds. I liked learning and being challenged. It makes me feel good about myself when a problem finally clicks for me.

The library was only a few blocks away from the school so I stop and grab a strawberry milkshake from the local ice cream Shoppe down the road.

I was walking peacefully, drinking my shake and reviewing my flashcards when I notice that a group of guys start being loud as they walk behind me.

I ignore them completely, and focus on my work when all of a sudden I get hit by a rock in the back of my head.

"Hey private school girl." One of the boys yell.

"Leave me alone." I throw the rock back and their direction and continue walking.

"That's a nice skirt you got there." I feel someone pull on the bottom of my uniform.

"Get off of me, right now." I yell forcefully.

"Oh, I like them rough." another guy hisses in my ear.

Fear starts to creep in as all four start grabbing my bottom and top down. I go to run but they're too strong. I can't get away.

"GET THE FUCK OF OF HER." Someone growls from the opposite direction. Each of the boys turning to see who the mysterious voice was.

"Well look who we have here." The main guy holding me down glares at him.

"Enough Derek." The guy, who I've yet to see, says to him loudly

"And if I don't want to? I'm just getting started, don't ruin my fun." He says with an evil laugh.

"You really don't want to know. Get off of her, right fucking now."

"This isn't over, Luke." He sneers as all the guys start to leave, pushing me to the ground in the process.

I lay there for a few minutes, not doing anything. I was too paralyzed with fear to move.
I jump a little when I feel a touch on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I hear a thick Australian accent say.

"Yeah, just a little shaken up." I respond as I finally get a look at the guy who saved me from god knows what those jerks were gonna do.

He was tall, really tall. Blonde hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean. He had this look about him though, like he was dangerous. I didn't even noticed his arms were covered in tattoos until he offered me his hand to help me up.

"They won't mess with you again." He says like he's so sure of himself. If I'm not mistaken it sounded like a threat.

"Thank you." I try and smile as I gather my things, just now noticing melted ice cream all over my stuff.

"No problem." He bites his lip ring.

"I should get going." I crinkle my eyebrows, not sure what to do at this point. He did help me and I should be thankful for that but something about him was just....scary. He was nothing but nice to me but I can't help but feel so intimidated by his presence alone.

"Wait!" I hear him call out to me after I started walking away.

"Yes?" I face him, confusion washing across my face.

"Can I at least know your name?" He asks with a break of a smile playing on his lips.



And in the back of my mind, I just somehow knew my world was never the same again.

A/N: Well this is the first chapter of my newest 5sos book, Collide! My best friend Clara was the inspiration for my new Punk Luke Hemmings fanfic. I hope you all like it. Xoxo -San

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