Chapter One: Clint

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"Should we get her out of that room?" I asked the team. It's been a week since the battle of Sokovia, a week since the death of that quick little bastard. We barely know anything about him. Just that he and his twin sister survived the experiments Hydra did to them and the fact that he'd sacrifice anything for his sister, and that he's a hero.

"I vote yes. We can't just lock her up in there." Natasha says, crossing her arms.

"I agree. Even though her whats-that-called magic destroyed half of my stuff." Tony says as he walked over to his destroyed bar table. "Tragic, simply tragic." He said to himself, examining the broken wine bottles.

"As much as I feel bad for her loss, I say no. We need to make sure she's okay and that this," motioning for the bar table, "doesn't happen again." Bruce commented.

"I'm with Banner here." Thor says.

"I agree with Lord Thor and Mr. Bruce. We need to keep Miss Wanda safe no matter what." Vision says as he floats confidently, his cape flowing just behind him.

"Please Vision, just Thor, no Lord." the God said, although I know he liked being called 'Lord'.

Everyone's eyes fell on Steve, who's focused on the hallway where Wanda's room is.

"Cap?" Natasha said, breaking him off with his train of thought.

Steve glanced at us, "Anyone here heard her screams?" He asks.

We all looked at each other, before Tony replied, "Yes." I shudder at those nights hearing her scream, knowing that we couldn't do anything but just let it go even though we wanted so bad to hold her and tell her it's gonna be fine. We really didn't want to lock her up, but with what happened she pleaded to us that she wanted to be locked away, so that she couldn't hurt anyone.

Cap sighed and stood up, "She's in pain yes?"

We all nodded, confused as to where this conversation would go.

Bruce stoop up. "Steve what's your point?" He ask him, furrowing his eyebrows.

"She lost the only family she has left. The incident that happened yesterday was because of her fear and loss. She's in there right now scared and alone. We can't just lock her up because we're afraid that what happened yesterday would happen again. It'll most likely gonna happen again, but we can guide her, let her know she's not alone in this. We tell her that she still has a family, and we show her. That's my point." He said. A captain is a captain.

I smiled. "Then let's get her out."

Natasha nodded, a smile forming her lips. "I'll go get her." She says then she disappeared into the hallway.

Bruce walked over to Steve, "Are you sure about this?" He asks.

"Positive." Steve replied.

Bruce nodded and gave Steve a pat on the back. I looked over to Tony, Vision and Thor, I heard them talking about making Wanda's room red. I smiled. This is what we are. We're more than a team, we're a family, and now we're adding another one.

Everybody's face turned over to the hallway when we heard footsteps. I looked over at Natasha holding Wanda. My heart broke into pieces as I watch her every step, she's so fragile. Her long brown hair is a mess, her eyes swollen with tears. She's like my daughter and it hurts to see her like this. She and her brother were villains but at the end of the day the two of them were at our side. Without them we wouldn't possibly defeat Ultron. I thought about that day her brother sacrificed himself to save me and a kid, I was ready to die but I didn't. Her brother was the one who payed the price.

As Natasha laid her down on the chair I say, "Welcome to the family kid." which then earned a small smile from Wanda. It made my day.


Omfggggg clint and wanda feels. He's like a father to her and it just makes me cry wodjdkcjksjxjskc

I really want to put a gif but im using my phone and unfortunately i dont think i can put in a gif while using my phone and it sucks for me cause im too lazy to use my laptop

Anyway this chapter is very boring but the next one will probably be okay lmao thanks guys ily have a good one

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