Chapter Two: Natasha, Steve, Wanda

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I carefully laid Wanda on the chair. Her grief stricken face is blank as ever. All I want to do is hug her, despite the fear she made me see. These past few days the only thing I can think about is how Wanda's doing, I wanted so bad to take her out of that room, but I know it could be risky cause she might lash out again and this time, she might hurt someone.

"Welcome to the family kid." Clint says, earning a small smile from Wanda. After all what happened, I wondered how she can still smile. I guess, she's stronger than I thought.

After a moment of silence, she finally spoke. "I'm sorry." she says, looking at us one by one, straight in the eye.

"What for kid?" Clint asked. Although I have a feeling everyone knew what she was talking about.

"For everything. I showed you your worst fears, but it turns out mine came true." She choked, a tear coming out of her eye.

"I'm glad you did." Bruce says, giving her a reassuring look, "it made us stronger."

"Wanda I am sorry about what happened." Thor says, "I know sorry doesn't cut it but—"

"Thank you." She cuts him off, giving him a gentle smile. "To all of you. I've caused you pain but you still cared for me."

Tony smiled, "Don't worry about it, Scarlet Bitch."

We laughed and she turned her face away, face burning, yet fingers icy cold. "I'm sorry about your bar table, I know you how much you loved it."

"Oh please, I'm a playboy billionaire, I could buy each one of you this bad boy." He winks.

Wanda's accented laugh echoed through the room. Then I notice Steve staring intently at Wanda. I gave Wanda a squeeze on her shoulder before walking over to Steve.

"I know that look." I say as I cross my arms next to him.

We watched as Clint, Bruce, Tony, Thor and Vision try to enlighten Wanda. Every so often she would smile and laugh and it would make me smile. I'm glad I'm not the only girl in the team.

"What look?" He asked.

"Whenever you look at Peggy's picture. That kind of look." I replied.

"You're making no sense at all Tasha." He retorted.

I sighed, "You'll get what I'm saying." I winked.

He rolled his eyes and we walked over to the other guys. "So Wanda, did Tony tell you about your room?"

Her blue eyes diverted to Steve, "Um, no."

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I'm going to build you you're own room." Tony says, snapping his fingers and suddenly out of nowhere, a holographic blue print appeared in his hands. "In the meantime, you stay at Steve's cause he's the only one in here, besides me, who's got his own room."

Wanda stared at Steve before saying yes and walking over to the kitchen. In my peripheral vision, I saw Rogers smile. Oh boy.


I have no idea why I'm feeling all nervous and giddy all of a sudden. Perhaps because Wanda and I will be sharing a room, or maybe because she's standing so close to me.

I opened the door to my room and I motioned for her to go in first. Wanda took a moment to look around, her fingers gliding against the wall and the books. I took this opportunity to examine her. She's beautiful, no doubt about that. Her long brown hair flowing past her shoulders, her eyes gleaming although I know she's broken inside. Wanda Maximoff, is exquisite.

"Thank you for letting me stay." She says as she plops down on the bed, stroking the sheets. "You've a nice room."

I feel myself smile, "Thanks." Sh smiled back. I laid down her bag beside the door and sat beside her. "So you sleep on the bed, I sleep on the couch."

"Okay." She softly said.

"I'll go make you a bath." I offered and she smiled sweetly after yes.


I'm more than happy when I found out Steve let me stay with him and also the love the team gave me. Although it didn't take away the loss over my brother, I can still feel it inside me. I wanted so bad to cry but now's not the time. Right now all I need to do is to hold it all in, and when I'm alone, then I'm letting myself go. It hurts so bad. I'll never hear his soothing voice, his warm and loving touch, his annoying yet funny jokes and his stupid catch phrase: You didn't see that coming?

I smiled at the thought of it. I know someday I'll see him again. I don't believe in heaven, or purgatory or any such things, but I know I'll see him again. Somewhere and someday.

The bathroom door opened and Steve walked out, "Your bath's ready."

I stood up and walked over to him "Thanks." I say to him.

He nodded and gave me a comforting smile, "I'll be with the guys if you need me." He says lingering beside me for just a moment before going out the door and closing it. I walked over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me and I stripped off my clothes. Steve put on a song in the bathroom, a haunting yet beautiful serene song, I smiled to myself. I look at myself in the mirror, my face pale, eyes swollen, hair tangled. I'm a mess. Then I realized I'm all alone. I climbed over the tub and sat down, listening to the music, I let go.

The tears came out almost as fast as Pietro's speed. It was too much for me to handle and I don't think I can handle a lot. No matter how much attention the team gives me and how much love they give me, I can't help but feel alone. Without my brother, without my everything. I'm useless. Tears streamed down my face as I silently weep. It's horrible. The feeling I felt when I sensed my twin brother's death was so painful. I clearly remember screaming in agony when I no longer felt his heartbeat inside me. It was as if nothing mattered anymore, just that I no longer have someone to trust.

The music flowed through me like the river flowing against the stream. When my twin brother died, a part of me died with him. A part that would never live again, just as he would never live.


Sorry another boring chapter lmao anyway today's the fourth of july and i just want to say HAPPY FOURTH OF JILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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