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Making poems is something I never dreamed about, something I never expected I could do and wanted to do. But then life is life, we can't tell what will happen or could happen.

Life has never been fair to me. I'm living with my aunt who stand as my mother. But living in her place seems not really that perfect. As we live life no matter how lucky, happy or fortunate we are sorrow and loneliness does haunt us or maybe just me.... In the time of my teenager years I've done a lot of stupid things...mostly love life and stuff. And because I had no one to talk to although I have friends but there are people who just tend to listen but really, never understands it. I got this loneliness feeling wherein when there are good things happen I had no one to share it with and when bad things happen I had no one to talk about it. Being in that stage of my life where loneliness embrace me so tight, I used to think of something to do to ease the pain, something that can give me comfort or distruct me from this feeling. And what got into my head is I wanted to share... share my personal life to people, my thoughts, my feelings... I BADLY JUST WANT TO TALK TO PEOPLE. And writing poems was the least expected.

It all started when I become a fan of Taylor Swift, she is a singer and a song writer as well. I used to listen to her music and her lyrics is such a big deal to me for it really speaks of real emotions that people usually feel, some feelings are 'revealing' and some are just secretly keep which in her music she defines those things when its hard for us to say what's really on our mind or what we feel. Her music sometimes speaks as letters, message to people you want to talk to but you can't, because YOU JUST CAN'T, because you don't want to, because you're terrified, because there is really no chance you could talk, or because of some personal and emotional matters....etc. *smirk*

One night I watch one of Taylor's interview and one thing she said that really, really caught my attention is when she said “.......writing songs gives me comfort.......” it caught my attention because I was kind of emotionally stress that time. The day after, I decided to make one I get a pen and a paper 'just a piece of paper' thinking of anything, I was in the process of writing a song just what my idol do. I end up with a bunch of words but couldn't find any rhythm, tune or melody on it and it end up a trash..... I was so frustrated in the fact that I can't make a tune.. An original tune... So I put the pen aside and in such way I exchange the pen with a phone on my hand and started searching on the internet about:

'How to make a good music'

'Ways on how to make a tune'

'Taylor Swift song writing tutorial'

But then it end up nothing, like I've seen a lot of resources and tutorials and stuff but It's so hard to understand and do it just like how easy they do it.

But then one night I saw an article about Taylor on how she wrote her songs... And one of the article speaks about her song 'This Love' from her 5th studio album 1989, it says like

'.....Taylor said “I was seating on my desk thinking of anything to write on my diary and I end up making a short poem that says,

" This love is good,
This love is bad,
This love is alive
Back from the dead
These hands have to let it go free
But this love came back to me "

After I made that short poem, I close my diary and put it on my nightstand and I go to bed. When I'm about to sleep I suddenly had a tune on my head. I got up and recorded it on my phone.....'

And I was so amaze by it, knowing she could just make a tune effortlessly and I'm kind of jealous about it. But reading that acticle enlighten me for she also write them as poem before she makes it a song. Writing songs is what really I wanted to but then because I'm not that talented to tuning and making melody then I decided to make a poem instead looking forward to make them a song in the future. *happy face*

*** [ There you go! You've just finished ready the BACKGROUND  of how I end up making poems and why. Thank you for reading it! Please share your thoughts on the comment section below. Tell me what you feel about it, do you feel the same thing or not? For any inappropriate grammar or spelling please do inform me and please if you want to collab. with me to write a poem with you please don't hesitate to direct message or to comment it below. ]**

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