5. Mrs. Who?

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Lily has been in surgery 12 hours now, things don't look good. Jake thinks she isn't gonna make it.

''Jake Baldwin, Cassidy Roberts and Brynn rumfallo?'' Dr. Berry asked

''Yes'' Jake asked jumping to his feet, cleaning his tears away,

''Jake, you're wife is stable, but she may not live much longer'' Dr. Berry said

Jake ran to Lily's side ''Hi Hunny!'' Jake cried hugging Lily

''Um hello'' Lily said

''Lily how are you!'' Cassidy asked rushing in with Brynn

''I... I'm fine, where am I?'' Lily asked

''The hospital, Kathrine shot you'' Brynn said

''Kathrine...Who?'' Lily asked

''You're twin'' Jake said

''I... I am an only child, um... Who are you'' Lily asked

''Its me, you're husband'' Jake said

''Were you're friends'' Brynn said pointing to Herself and Cassidy

''I'm sorry... I don't know who you are!'' Lily said

''Lily, seriously! Its us'' Jake said

''I think you should go now'' Lily said putting earphones in and falling asleep

''She doesn't remember us'' Brynn sighed

''Maybe that's for the best....'' Cassidy said

''What, why?'' Brynn asked confused

''Maybe if she doesn't rememeber then she wont remember the trama, the torture and the pain she went threw, and she can move on'' Cassidy said

''It is kinda smart'' Jake said

''I just want the best for Lily, and that Jake'' Brynn said

''I cant risk Lily's life being put on the line again.'' Jake said, ''I'm sorry... but sometimes when you love someone, you let them go''

Brynn tried to speak, but words didn't come out. She walked back into the room where Lily had stayed

''Lily, wake up! You need to remember Jake!'' Brynn said shaking Lily's body

''IM AWAKE STOP'' Lily screamed throwing the head phones on the floor, watching them pull her phone along.

''Come with me'' Brynn whispered taking Lily's hand

They walked to the café, and lily stopped

''I remember, Jake's my husband. I just got shot by my twin, she was A. Kenzie died.... I remember it all'' Lily said

''Great!'' Brynn smiled

''I need to see Jake'' Lily said running

She paused seeing Cassidy pull Jake into Kiss. He kissed back but then pushed her off.

Lily's lip reading was off, but she could make out some of the words

''I am with Lily, only Lily!'' Jake said then stood and walked away. He saw Lily, and ran to her side

''You okay'' Jake asked

''I love you'' Lily said kissing Jake, then she collapsed in his arms

''LILY!'' Jake cried

''IS SHE OKAY!'' Cassidy screamed

''HELP ME'' Jake cried seeing blood on his hands


''Give me her!'' Dr. Mal said


Jake stood in the door and watched as they did surgery...

Flash back to 7 years ago.

''Jake, I know we went through a lot, but my mom doesn't want us together'' Lily said

''I love you tho...'' Jake said

Lily jumped and kissed him, That's the first time they slept together...

''Who cares what she said, I love you, so much'' Lily cried kissing Jake.

Flash to 3 years ago.

''Jake do you take Lily to be you're wife, through better&worse?'' The preacher asked

''I do'' Jake smiled getting teary eyed.

''And lily, Do you take Jake to be you're husband?'' He asked

''I most certainly do'' Lily cried

''By the power vested in me, I pronoce you Man and Wife! You may kiss you're beautiful bride'' The man said

''Can I get you're name?'' Jake asked after kissing Lily

''Yea, it's Caleb'' He winked

Everyone clapped

Lily remembered she didn't invite her mom, Because she didn't support the relationship. Nor the marriage. Jake and Lily got pregnant that night, but later had to abort the baby because Lily was dying at the time


Back to normal

3 days later

''Hello Stanger'' Caleb said as Jake opened the door

''CALEB!'' Lily cried running to see him

''Hey'' Caleb smiled

''Can I help you?'' Jake asked

''Yes, this is my daughter, ''Mikayla '' We named her after Kenzie, since that was her middle name'' Caleb said

''Thank you'' Jake smiled

''Well were gonna get going... See ya around'' Caleb said

''See ya''

Caleb walked to the car with 13 year old Mikayla

She pulled our her phone and froze her dad.

''Game time''


Woah!! Mikayla is evil.. Welcome.

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