Instagram talk

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Emma: Hey Ze

Zane: hey EA

Emma: are first day at high school to day!

Zane: yeah...

Emma: you OK ZE?

Zane: I wish I could meet you and hug you

Emma: awww ZE me too I will always remember you

Zane: I love you EA

Emma: me too,some day seed a self of you OK?

Zane: yeah I will

Emma: bye I love you talk to you latter bye :3

Zane: bye EA

Emma's mum: Emma time for school!

Emma: OK!

*In Zane's mind* I do love EA but I want to meet her

Zane's mum: Zane school!

Zane: yea mother!

*Zane goes out side and sees a girl with pink hair,he walks to her and talks to her*

*Emma sees him going*

Zane: hi

Emma: hi

Zane: I'm Zane ,you?

Emma: I'm Emma

Zane: what high school?

Emma: Miners high,you?

Zane: same,wanna be friends?

Emma: sure

*They walk and talk to the high school and find there class*

*Emma's at her locker*

???: Hey babe nice butt

Emma: huh?

???: My name is Alex

Emma: my name is Emma

*ALEX goes closer to her and kisses her*

Emma: what the hell!

*Zane saw and ran up and got Emmas arm and ran*

Emma: thxs Zane

Zane: np

*Zane goes closer to her*

Emma: Z-Zane? *Blushes*

Zane: I umm *blushes an looks at Emma and slimes*

Emma: ....

Zane: um you OK?

Emma: here *kisses his cheek*

Zane:* blushes more*


*End of school*

Emma: I had fun with you today Zane

Zane: yeah

Emma: wanna come in?

Zane: sure

*They go in and see two people*

Zane: mum!?

Zane's mum: oh Zane this is my friend form high school

Emma: mum?!

Emmas mum: hey Emma

Zane: where going to Emmas room bye!

*They run to Emmas room*

Emma: wait if there friends that means you where my friend when we where kids!

Zane: I remember,we had are first kiss *blushes*

Emma: let  me text my friend

Zane: OK

*Emma texts Ze*
EA: hey ZE

ZE: I'm at a friend's house

*Emma looks at Zane*

EA: what's there name?

ZE: Emma,why?

EA: Zane!?

*Zane looks at Emma and hugs her and crys*
Emma:its you!

Zane: I can't believe it

*Emma kisses Zane and there mums come in and look*

Zane: heh I love you

Emma: same

Emma's mum: Emma!

*Zane and Emma look and see there mums*

Zane: ummm

Zane's mum: we saw you two kiss!

Emma: ummm

Emmas mum: get out Zane!

Zane: OK

*Zane runs home*

,*Emmas mum hits Emma and yells" you can't have a boyfriend OK!?"*

Emma: he's not my boyfriend he's my best friend!

*Emmas mum walks off*

See what happens next!*

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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