Hillary Clinton as a Magical Girl

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"No! I won't let you do this, Donald-chan!" Hillary pushed the button on her broach, revealing her true power. Her school uniform swirled in a whirl of light, transforming into a sky blue polyester pants suit. Hillary landed in her signature pose.
Donald laughed maliciously. "I'm afraid I already have, Hillary-kun. America is mine!!!"
"Hillary senpai!" She turned her head. It was Bill. "Not now kohai!" "But Hillary sama, I love you!" "You dont understand, Bill, Trump is dangerous!" But she couldn'tget the words out in time. Within an instant, Bill was crushed under a small loan of a million dollars.
Hillary turned towards Trump, glaring at him. "You.... baka" "He was my friend too, Hillary. But I have to do this. Don't get in my way, or the same will happen to Palin-chan!" Hillary gasped. "How did you get my best friend??!!?!"
"I'm sorry" Hillary turned. It was Bernie Sanders! "Bernie-sama! Why?!?" "No time to explain! Hillary-tan, the Zodiac Killer is-"
He was too crushed. Hillary whirled towards Trump, tears in her eyes, and her teeth clenched. "SOUL-RAPE FACE!" She yelled, projecting her campaign picture towards him. He cringed and was pushed backwards. "ORANGE SUPREMACY!" He roared, shooting enormous corncob missiles from his hands. "Umfph!" Hillary cried as she was knocked backwards. She raised her head from her crouching postion. "TAROT GENDER CARDS!" "AFLUENZA-INFECTED NEEDLES!" On and on the battle raged! But just when it seemed all hope was lost, a cloud of memes whisped in, and a new figure appeared.
Hillary gasped at the clearing smoke. "It's you!" "Yes! It is I, Obama Mask!" He said with a flamboyant gesture! "And I'm here to help you defeat Trump!" "NOOO!" Donald screamed. But it was too much. Together, they where unstoppable! "I'll be back!" Trump shrieked, as he soared away on his wig. "I'll make you regret crossing meeee!!!!!" But for now, it didn't matter. America was only a little fucked, and that was what mattered.

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